Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Light Snow Fall

 Around dinner time I went onto my computer and found that I hadn't published last night's post.  Oops.  I'm not sure if I looked it over for silly spelling errors and things like that either.  Today's will be short.  My happy things for today are:

  • Last night it snowed, only an inch or two.  This morning I got out and shoveled.  It was warm enough that we probably could have gotten away with letting it melt.  I have done this before on occasion and have regretted it.  So this afternoon, the driveway and walkways are almost dry.  This pleases me as there will be little or no ice to slip on.

Snow shoveled.
  • Keziah and I went to the grocery store.  On the way there we drove on a bridge over the Merrimack River.  The section to the north seemed to be starting to freeze, the part to the south, not so much.
I only got a picture of the northern section.
  • When we left the store to head home we were blessed with the pink clouds from a setting sun.

  • Keziah and I also canceled our Planet Fitness memberships.  We have been meaning to do so for a while but with the pandemic... we really didn't want to go in to cancel.  They won't cancel memberships over the phone.  When we got there and I remembered all the reasons for joining I almost changed my mind.  Looking around at all the people without a mask on made it easy though.  I'll keep walking and trying to do other things at home to get my exercise.
Thank you for reading!

Currently listening to:  The Great Alone, by Kristin Hannah.

Stay safe.

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