Saturday, January 2, 2021

Small Things

The family just watched what I felt was a highly enjoyable episode of Star Trek: Next Generation. The episode was called “Starship Mine”. It had elements of suspense that were interspersed with a subplot that was entirely humorous. The end, in my opinion, was lacking a little. That didn’t overshadow the rest of the episode for me. Other happy things for me today: 
  • Messaging with a person about yesterday’s deer find. I learned quite a bit. One of the things that they shared with me is a chart with animal footprints. I still have so much to learn. 
  • For Christmas I got a GoPro. The SD card didn’t come with it. Today, thanks to Zed, I finally have the card and now I just need to figure out how to use the thing! 
  • I took a nap. Sometimes the little things can make all the difference. 
  • I made my step count! Taking a nap slowed down my progress and I did many circles around the inside of the house to get my step count in.  I stopped for dinner then I almost forgot to finish. I was about to post this and realized that I still had about 200 more steps. I got up and played with the cat, Nanni, to finish up. It would have been so easy to have let it slide, I’m glad I didn’t.

The cloud cover seemed so beautiful today.

Currently listening to: All the Days Past, All the Days to Come, by Mildred D. Taylor. 
Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Stay safe.

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