Friday, January 29, 2021


Today marks the two year anniversary of Keziah and I becoming Baron and Baroness in the SCA of our Barony of Stonemarche.  This last year has not been busy since the pandemic and safety being of more importance.  There have been online events, but we haven't done too much, just occasional things.  This is the time of year that we usually have a large event that draws about 2000 people.  I miss seeing some of the people, not the event.  It was a lot of work and the break is good.

Things that I am happy about for today:
  • My W-2 came in the mail.  Maybe I will get my taxes done earlier than usual since I am unemployed.
  • Last night we found a very sappy series called Signed, Sealed, Delivered on Amazon Prime.  It is only free for a few more days and I may just binge watch it.  Sometimes fluff is fun.
  • My walk today was just over four miles.  I had intended to stay on the sidewalk but ended up on a short trail and then went around from there to get the four miles.  There were some footprints in the fresh snow.
The trail.

Probably squirrel.


  • Going through some boxes today I found my mother's high school yearbooks.  In the 1950's they really did use the word 'daddy-o and they said 'swell' a lot.
  • I found pictures of my brothers from before I was born.  Someday I will get the pictures to them.

Currently listening to: The Great Alone, by Kristin Hannah.
        (A family moves to Alaska in 1974.  I expect to cry at some point.)

Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pic! Reminiscing on Berra 2 years ago. Time is both so long and so short,


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...