Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Making Space

After playing with Nanni, our gray tabby, and getting ready for the day, I was finally able to access the pictures on my GoPro.  Yesterday my phone's storage was full.  I was able to delete many, many things and now there is room.  I am one step closer to learning more about using the GoPro.  Other happy things for today:

  • I went through Christmas ornaments today.  I have older ones from my parents and special ones that I have accumulated over the years.  Those I am keeping.  I also have two or three dozen plain glass balls that I am packing up to donate.  Downsizing!
This guy didn't make the cut.
There is a shadow in my memory of my mom making this when I was a kid.
It has seen better days.

  • I also made it down into the cellar and moved things around.  My plan is to set up an area where I can start seeds and grow plants.  As soon as I get some more things down there moved, the petunias will go down there.  Winston, the orange tabby, likes to jump up to the petunias and eat something in the planter.  I don't know what is attracting him there, but I don't let him in my room when I am not there because of that.  I researched and petunias are safe for cats, but other things I am going to plant may not be.  Progress!
  • While I was busy getting things to make for dinner the rest of the family made a cat tower out of cardboard boxes.  
That is a lot of boxes!

  • Monday is my night to make dinner.  I found a recipe for baked stuffed butternut squash that I made called Quinoa Stuffed Butternut Squash with Cranberries and Kale.  Cooking is not my favorite thing.  This recipe was not complicated, but it was just enough not my norm that I had a hard time focusing.  Mistakes were made, but it came out pretty good.  
  • After dinner I started to make an apple pie.  We have had some apples waiting for me to turn them into a pie since Christmas.  About halfway through cutting the apples I went to get the purchased pie crust out of the fridge.  The package was in the freezer.  I switched plans and made an apple crumble instead.  I didn't want to wait for the crust to thaw and it was already late so I didn't want to make the crust from scratch.  The crumble came out really well.  Yay improvising! 

Apple crumble thing.  Yum!


Currently listening to: All the Days Past, All the Days to Come, by Mildred D. Taylor.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Wear a mask.

1 comment:

Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...