Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Fire Tower

Today's happy things:
  • Keziah and I went on a walk today. I brought her up to the Fire Tower that I went to on New Year’s Day. The road up was super slippery. We mostly walked along the outside of the road where there was more snow than ice. On the way down, Keziah decided the best way to travel down was sliding on the ice. Wee!

  • This is my second day in a row of getting my list done. Okay, admittedly, one of the things, a soil test, is in the sit-and-wait-stage and will need to be finished tomorrow. Progress!

  • Last night I updated my bucket list. There are things that I keep working towards but perhaps not as diligently as I should to actually get the things accomplished. I have set an alarm on my phone to go off once a month to remind me to look at the list now and then.   
  • One of the things I should be doing more as a Landed Baroness is to write people into the Kingdom for awards. Today someone was brought to my attention and I did the thing and sat down to write them in.  Then another person was brought to my attention and I wrote them in as well.  Yay!

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Currently listening to: The Nightingale, by Kristin Hannah.

Wash your hands.

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