Friday, January 22, 2021

More Painting.

Most of my late morning and early afternoon was spent painting the one section of my wall that is not slated to be stone.  I also painted the arrow holder during this time.  Mistakes were made, but I don't need to write about those.  😊  Below are the before and after shots.

The arrow holder needs to dry overnight before I can put it back together again.  I have no idea if it will work or not, time will tell.  Other things I am happy about:

  • While waiting for dinner to be made, Gideon came into my room to "be social."  I was sitting down to write this blog.  It is Minecraft night so I like to write early.  When I can make the time, I like to write early, my brain works better then.  I told him what I was doing and he said he was hoping to play a game, but it was okay, that I could write my blog.  He's so sweet.  Instead, we are playing Polytopia.  It is turned based on my phone.  I can type and listen while he takes his turn.  Fun!
  • There was a flock of robins in the back this afternoon.  I stood and watched them flutter around and rummage through the leaves for food.  
  • There was something about the way the clouds and blue sky were positioned behind the witch tree today that I had to take a picture of- 
  • There were fresh tracks in the back, since yesterday, that were probably coyote.  Part of me is happy about this, the other part doesn't want to run into the animal while I am out walking.  
  • There were also bird tracks in yesterday's snow.  I found it interesting that there were two different sized prints next to each other.

Currently listening to a collection of stories called NPR Driveway Moments Cat Tales
        (There are genetically engineered cats that glow under a blue light.)  

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.
        (Learning when to plant things.)

Stay safe.

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