Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Old Family Photos

 When I entered the book I finished yesterday onto my Goodreads account I looked down at some of the books I've read.  One title drew my attention: Goodbye, Things by Fumio Sasaki.  I decided to listen to it again.  The author of this book is more of a minimalist than I am trying to be.  However, already listening to this is helping me as I rethink some of the things I have decided to keep.  Right now, as I downsize, the goal is to get the things I have to fit into my space or go away.  After that is done will be the time to go through it all again and cut down on things even more.  Not that I want to be a minimalist, but I have no need to be a maximist.  Other things today that helped me be happy:

  • Right now, the rest of the house is asleep or trying to be.  There is the sound of Dolly Parton coming from Gideon's room.  This is new, him listening to music to help him sleep.  It seems nice to me at the moment.
  • I took another block of time to work in the yard today.  This time I put on bandages where my thumbs normally blister to protect them from a blister on top of a blister.  It seemed to work.
  • The box I went through today had some old pictures in it.
The boy with "Kitty" is my Great-Uncle Bernard.
The girl behind him is my grandmother.
I can only assume that the woman in the door is my great-grandmother,
that person wasn't listed on the back.

Pretty sure this is my great-grandmother.
If not, I think it would be her mother.
I'm forgetting names and that bothers me.

This is my grandmother on her,
"1st ascent Mt Chocorua."
I have no idea what she is sitting on!

Great-Aunt Marjorie, my grandmother and Great-Uncle Bernard.

Great-Uncle Bernard.
  • Keziah and I picked her van up at the garage today.  It is fixed.  
  • Some of the seeds that I planted in one of the milk jug greenhouses are sprouting.  I was almost ready to give up.  I need to remember to water them tomorrow.
Itty bitty leaves poking through.

Currently listening to: Goodbye, Things, by Fumio Sasaki.

Stay safe.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Five Boxes

 With the help of my daughter, Keziah, we went through a total of five boxes today.  Some of that got put away, some trash/burn/recycle, and there are two quite full boxes ready to be donated.  The place where the boxes are has enough room in it now that Keziah can set up a little studio space to do her art.  Other happy things for today:

  • One of the things that I unpacked was an evening dress that I think I got to go out for New Year's Eve quite a few years ago.  I'm keeping it.  I'll have to find a reason to wear it, or make a reason, but I am keeping it.  
  • It was windy enough out today that I didn't feel safe taking a walk outside.  Things were flying all over the place.  Instead, I stayed inside and worked on a latch hook project and listened to my audio book.  I finished the book, Quiet.  A great deal of research went into that book.  There are many aspects to being an introvert and this book delved into them and did so from different angles.  Working on the latch hook and listening to a book was a great way to relax after going through the boxes.
This latch hook was probably started when I was a teenager.
I did five or six rows today.
  • Cats.

Finished listening to Quiet, by Susan Cain.

Stay safe.

Palm Sunday

 Yesterday I got the Covid vaccine.  Other than a sore arm from where the needle went in, I don't seem to be having any adverse effects.  There have been aches and pains, but nothing that I can point to and say is different than other days aches and pains.  Yesterday I helped move a couch and this morning I took a four mile walk. These things can also bring aches and pains.  I've been keeping track of my temperature since last October and there is no big change there either.  I do feel like I may be having allergy issues.  I don't think I can attribute that to the vaccine either.  All this is to say, "so far, so good."  Other things that I am happy about:

  • During my four mile walk I remembered to listen to the audio book that is due Tuesday.  Just under three more hours to listen to.  
  • I noticed buds on some of the plants in the front of the house.  I don't remember what came up there last year.
  • Again, I enjoy editing all the video footage with Zed.  I don't think it is just the adult beverages.
  • While editing there was a video that popped up on Zed's computer and started to play.  This same video started to play on Thursday too.  Zed keeps putting off watching it.  The video is about procrastination.  🤣

Currently listening to Quiet, by Susan Cain.

Stay safe.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

New-To-Us Couch

 Today I said goodbye to the couch I got from an aunt (now deceased).  Some of the legs had broken and the frame as well.  I'm not sure how long she had it, but I've had it for over five years I think.  Before seeing the cracked frame, I considered trying to have it kept in the apartment.  For the last 39 days though, I've been getting rid of at least one thing a day.  It isn't always easy, but it does seem to be getting a little easier.  It was easier for me to say goodbye to the couch today versus how it would have been 39 days ago.  Other happy things for today:

  • We were able to get some sheep manure from a friend.  This will help the garden grow.  If all goes well, I will help that friend later in the week and either get more, or help someone else get some manure.
  • Some of that manure went right into the compost bin.  I'm hoping it will help the compost break down faster.  While at the bin Zed noticed a crocus nearby.  There are a few coming up in a part of the yard that we didn't do much with last year.  Since we moved here last April, the flower was most likely already gone.  They are one of the very first flowers to come up in the spring.
One crocus so far.
There seem to be others to the left of that one.
Maybe after the rains I'll rake there.
  • This afternoon Keziah brought a friend (Keziah's mother-in-law) and I to get our first covid vaccine (Pfizer).  We had an appointment and got there early.  There were no lines and we only had to wait (maybe two minutes) at the last station.  The process was relatively painless.  Even the shot didn't hurt much.  Tomorrow, who knows?  Today it went well.  Our second shot will be April 26th.
  • While we were getting vaccinated Keziah got us Blizzards from Dairy Queen.  I love the snickerdoodle flavor, with extra flavor.
  • As the sun was setting I went outside to appreciate it.  

  • As the orange sky was darkening in the west, the nearly full moon was rising in the east.

  • Saturday night was a pizza and movie night for us.  We all piled onto the new-to-us couch that they picked up today and watched Thor: The Dark World.  The couch is about fourteen and a half feet long.  Gideon says that it is a perfect couch for social distancing.  😃
There is room for two more people at the end-
or two cats.

Currently listening to Quiet, by Susan Cain.

Stay safe.

New Growth

Instead of one box, I emptied two today.  If all goes well, I will attempt two going forward, depending on what else is going on during the day.  There are still quite a few boxes of my former life that I need to go through and decide what stays and what goes.  This is good and all part of the process.  Other happy things for today:

  • Keziah and Zed found a used couch that they will be picking up tomorrow.  Part of today was spent removing the couch we had.  That couch has some broken legs and has been sitting crooked for a while.  Half the living room has been spring cleaned in preparations for the new-to-us couch.  
  • This afternoon I took a walk out back and then up to the nearby conservation area.  It was very refreshing and birds serenaded me most of the walk.
  • When going by a swamp that had a blue heron last year there were a pair of ducks this year.
Believe it or not, there is a duck on the ice.
Hard to see with this picture.

  • There was also a beaver.  At least I am fairly certain it was a beaver, swimming in the water.  I didn't see the tail, it could have been an otter.  There was enough distance and vegetation as it swam away, I just couldn't get a good enough look.
  • As I entered the conservation area, instead of the smell of snow, there was a faint smell of the pine trees that grow in that area.  It was a lovely scent intermixed with the general moisture in the air.

  • On the walk back home there were some rain showers.  Just clouds passing over and clearing the air as they quickly blew by.  It wasn't quite late enough in the day for a rainbow.

I love how the camera was able to capture the raindrops as well as
the sun shining on things.

  • Some of the buds on the lilac are getting bigger.

  • The forsythia too.

  • There are also daffodils, daylilies and I think tulips (I planted a few bulbs last fall) that are breaking ground.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Wash your hands.


Thursday, March 25, 2021

International Waffle Day

 Thursday has become the day for Zed and I to edit the first half of the week's recording for the YouTube channel.  I'm pleasantly surprised that I have been able to keep doing this.  If only I could get rid of more things.  I am getting better at getting rid of things, really.  Happy things for today:

  • Laughter while watching Zed try to edit his 12 minute long video to a few minutes.
  • The day started cloudy and rainy.  It cleared in the afternoon though and was warm and beautiful.  Zed and I went for a walk out back.
Witch tree.


Some kind of footprint.
  • Bacon.  No matter how much I keep trying to reduce the amount of meat I eat, it is still in the house.  Today I made bacon.  It was not part of my plan for today, but it was good.
  • I worked on my taxes today.  They are almost done and I should be getting a small refund.  

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 For this time of downsizing I go through a box every day.  If I don't find anything to get rid of, I go through another.  Today's box was one that had very little that I wanted to get rid of.  I did find a few things though.  Other things that I am happy for:

  • One of the things I found was my bag of dice.  We have been playing D&D and we were always using Bel's dice.  Now that they are on the way to Texas, I found my dice!  Once they are settled I think we are going to try to play over the internet, I'll need the dice then.

  • Another thing I unpacked is a book on herbs that belonged to my uncle.  There were also a couple books about the Appalachian Trail and some craft books.  I rearranged some of my shelves to make room for the unpacked books.  There were two that I decided to put into the donate pile that were on the shelves.
  • Somewhere in the middle of all this recording and downsizing I realized that I probably have at least 46 shirts that I could have worn during these 46 days of downsizing during Lent.  Today while looking for a shirt I found a sweater and a button-up sweatshirt that I no longer want.  More things going away.  I've definitely found places for more things to go than I have gotten rid of.  It is a talent finding room for all the things.
  • After asking Keziah a few times to go for a walk with me today, she finally said yes.  Then, because Zed was going out she said no, someone had to be home for Gideon.  Zed didn't need to leave right away though and wanted to go for a walk.  In the end, all four of us went for a short walk late this afternoon.  We saw a mountain in the distance that looks like it has ski trails on it.

  • Nanni, the brown tabby, decided that she wanted attention today.  She came out of her little box and down the banister so I could give her some scritches.

  • Since Zed was out, the rest of us watched a movie during dinner.  We decided on something that we thought Zed had seen and chose Escape to Witch Mountain.  It was one of my favorite movies and books as a kid, Keziah's too.  Gideon really seemed to enjoy it.  I wonder if I will eventually unpack my copy of the book...

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Stay safe.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


 For whatever reason I woke up early this morning.  Then I had a hard time getting motivated.  Once I did, the day seemed to go well.  I spent a little bit of time researching O.K.; if all goes well, the exchequer things I have been working on are done; and I went through a box and got rid of some things that, a few months ago, I would have held onto.  Other things that I am happy about:

  • Yesterday while walking with my friend, Amy, we were talking about how I sometimes don't remember all the things that I want to write about when I finally sit down to write.  She suggested that I make notes during the day.  I haven't had much luck with thinking to do that, yesterday she reminded me.  Today I remembered on my own.  
  • When I walk along the street is it very loud.  There is a dead end street that I go down and the noise level drops considerably by the time I am about twenty feet in.  I take my headphones off then to listen for any birds.  On this day, the smell of melting snow and sound of the small waterfall flooded my senses to help drive away the street noise behind me.  My attention steers away from the car sounds and book I was listening to and turns to the surrounding nature.
  • As I get to the end of the street and enter the trail the birds sound their alarm to warn of my intrusion into their environment.  I hear some skittering and see a chipmunk farther along the trail go for cover.
  • At one point, I hear a noise to my left and there is a chipmunk that decided to peek out to see what the fuss was.  I stopped mid stride to watch him.  He allowed me to take a few photos and as I started to walk away he quickly hid.

Close up.
  • The moon rose during the day.
According to the internet,
it is in the Waxing Gibbous phase...
Not that you can tell by the picture.

Currently listening to Quiet, by Susan Cain.

Stay safe.

Monday, March 22, 2021

National Goof Off Day

Spring is here and so is some warmer weather.  The paths were only muddy in a few places when I walked with my friend, Amy, around Dorr's Pond today.  The park was quite busy on this sunny day.  There were parents with small children and strollers as well as older people walking around the pond and even a few bicycles.  

One lovely lady wished us a happy Spring as we walked by each other.  Little passing comments like that are such a welcome thing to me.  Other things I am happy about today:

  • There are ducks that live toward the north end of the pond.  One was out sunning themself on some ice.
Mr. Mallard.

  • Getting to spend time with Amy.   She saw the duck first.
  • Keziah has been very adament about getting me signed up as soon as possible for the vaccine.  This morning New Hampshire opened up the registration process for people my age.  The website had some problems but eventually we got through.  My and Zed's mom's first vaccine will be at the end of the week.  Amy signed up to get hers soon too.
  • Zed and Gideon decided to go to the Scout meeting tonight-outdoors, masked, and socially distanced.  This meant Keziah and I could start catching up on watching The Crown.  
There wasn't too much goofing off today.  It was a good day though.  😜

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.
Currently listening to Quiet, by Susan Cain.

Stay safe.


 Bel, Folke, and their guest have left and are on the way south.  They are already missed.  They hadn't planned to, but spent the entire winter here.  Our household is back to four people and we will be making a new dinner preparation schedule since two of our cooks are gone.  

Here are some happy things for today:

  • I did a little bit of cleaning out by the garden today.  It was a small section that I raked and cut down some of the small staghorn sumac that were growing.  Ideally there will be a walkway between the garden fence and the row of more mature staghorn sumac trees.  Two wheelbarrows and one blister was enough for the first spring yard cleaning.
This is before.⤴
In the aftershot a difference wasn't noticed.
This shows the line between what was raked and what wasn't.

  • There is the smallest amount of what seems to be new green growth coming up in the established flower garden.

  • Now I will attempt to put to words the "joke" I sort of played on Zed.  We were starting to edit for the YouTube channel and I was going over the things of note for the coming week that we might want to use on the sign.  I made a random comment about today's holiday.  Then I tell him, "Oh!  I forgot to tell you to take Monday off."  He completely stopped what he was working on, looks at me very seriously, and asks why.  I'm pretty sure he thought there was a doctor appointment or something.  I'm unable to keep a straight face when I tell him that tomorrow is National Goof Off Day.  
--This is about the color Bel dyed their hair today.--

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Stay safe.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Happy Spring

 Tomorrow, Bel, Folke and their friend leave.  I want to say that we spent today doing fun things together.  They spent time doing last minute adjustments to the bus and packing.  I tried not to get in the way.  It was a beautiful day and the first day of spring.  Since the Daylight Savings Time began last week, the sun is out much later.  It is always such an adjustment.  I spent part of the day replanting some of the seeds I planted a few weeks ago that sprouted.  Basil, parsley and thyme are now potted and back in the basement.  This kept me happily busy outside for a little while and I could say hi to them as they worked on the bus or packed things into it.  Other things that made me happy on International Happiness Day:

  • It was a friend that I used to work with that inspired me to go through a box every day for Lent to get rid of things.  Sometimes I remember to post to the little group of us that are trying to get rid of one thing a day.  The box I sorted for downsizing today included a doll from my childhood.  I sent the picture to the group and that baby doll has been claimed.  She will have a new home with my friend's granddaughter.  How cool is that?
I think her name was Betsy.
  • Bel and Folke had two plants when they came here.  Since the cats arrived and tried eating the plants, I have been keeping them downstairs with the seedlings.  Today I think I found a way to keep the plants relatively safe in the bus as they travel.  I put some packing material around them and put them into a container, smaller, but similar to the one I am growing spinach in.  Hopefully this will keep them safe from the bounces and cold nights.

This is a bit less transparent than the one the spinach is in.
It will at least allow them to take the plants on their journey.
  • I sewed my hair up this morning.  It is getting long enough that the braids don't keep the length out of things.  I really enjoy how it feels when it is attached to my head without a hair clamp.  If only my hair didn't start falling out on the second day.
I should make some googly eye pins
so I can have a smiley face from behind.

  • After dinner we all gathered around the table for a very hilarious game of Snake Oil.  It was great fun and I am glad we all got to play together before they leave.

  • Just as the sun was starting to set I went for a quick walk out back to get a better view.  

I'm gonna miss these snuggle bugs.

Currently listening to Quiet, by Susan Cain.
Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Sleep is Important Take Two

 Sleep is so important that today is World Sleep Day.  Earlier this week was Napping Day.  It is just a very tiring week.  Today was trying to handle some SCA things that popped up.  Some were good, some not so good.  To focus on the good-someone I know will be getting an award soon and we are arranging a surprise socially distant visit to congratulate them.  Other happy things for today:

  • The boxes I went through to downsize were not very time consuming or stressful.  This was welcome for today.
  • Keziah and I went to pick up a few things for dinner.  One of these things was fresh fish from a roadside place that comes to the city on Friday's from the oceanside.  They still had fish when we got there, just before closing, and it was very yummy.
  • There was a small photo album that I unpacked.  The pictures below were taken in 1998.
Bel turning four.

Keziah turning eight.

  • Friday night is Minecraft night.  Gideon joined TF and I in the game for a little added fun.

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Currently listening to Quiet, by Susan Cain.  I ran out of time to finish this a while ago.  Hopefully I can get through the rest before it is due.

Stay safe.

Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...