Thursday, December 30, 2021

Thoughts Disjointed

A few times a week Aesop, our dog, gets to spend the day playing with other dogs at a doggy daycare.  The daycare is about a mile from where I work, but today was the first time I have had the opportunity to pick him up from there.  He was so happy to be picked up.  I've been told that he is also very glad to get there.  I think he was the last dog so was probably bored.  

One of the nice things about working late at night until late morning is the general lack of traffic.  On the way to work I might see five cars.   There are more cars on the drive home, but still not the steady stream that goes down that road after five in the afternoon.  I took a personal day today so I could use that time before the end of the year.  Driving that way to get Aesop and seeing all the traffic was a nice reminder of the ease of my current commute.  Getting Aesop and my commute are happy things for today.  Other happy things include:

  • TF and I took a few hours midday and tried to get closer to defeating monsters and finding treasure in Minecraft. 
  • I also got out for a walk by myself this afternoon, before picking up Aesop.  It took me a little while to clear my head, but it was a nice walk.  Not everyone has Christmas lights on still, but I got a picture of one house from down the street.

  • When I got home with Aesop, Winston, the orange tabby, gave me a look.  It wasn't quite an angry cat look, but it was close.  Then I got this puzzled look...
"Why?" asks Winston, "Why did you bring that dog back to the house?"

I'm not sure that technically falls under the happy category, but I thought Winston's looks were priceless.

Currently reading:  The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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