Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Sick of Being Sick

 This cold has finally brought me down.  I didn't go to work last night.  Depending on how much I cough while trying to sleep will determine whether I go in tonight or not.  They do everything electronically and I have no idea if my request for the time off is approved or not until after my shift is over.  A few happy things for today:

  • Gideon is a wonderful and compassionate human.
  • I crafted a little.  The only picture I took was in-progress.  I cut out the rubber to make a stamp.  I think Keziah was going to print it today at the studio but I haven't seen it if she did.
The green is what was carved out at this point.
  • I happened to catch a glimpse of the sunset through my closed blinds before going to bed.  Beautiful flaming oranges.

Happy Solstice!

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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