Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Frosted Christmas Tree

 There was a light sprinkling of snow as I left for work last night.  Sometimes, when it snows at night, I notice that there is more light.  I think the snow reflects the light and everything seems a little brighter.  Or it is just my imagination.  Leaving for work the Christmas tree was lit up and I noticed all the snow on the branches from the last storm.  Sometimes, it is worth being a minute late to work to take a picture.

If the tree is moveable in a week or so I am planning to move it out by the wildlife camera.  There was something going around on Facebook that suggested this.  I might string some popcorn up on it and see what it attracts.  

The tree is my big happy thing for today.  One other thing is that a manager spoke with me today at work and I might be getting trained on something new next week.  Fingers crossed.

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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