Saturday, December 4, 2021

Self Care Day

 Gideon and I both woke up not feeling well.  Most likely he was having a reaction to getting his second Covid vaccine yesterday.  I think I was just exhausted.  Knowing it was better to leave him home, Keziah and Zed went to a holiday gathering without Gideon.  After taking it easy with Gideon and watching some Christmas movies on Netflix, I felt somewhat better.  Gideon had a rough day, he seems much better now though.  Later in the afternoon Gideon's other grandmother came by to watch him so I could take the dog, Aesop, for a much needed walk.  We stepped out just after sunset.

Christmas trees for sale with the
colorful sky beyond.

Stars (most likely planets) 
shining in the darkening sky.

Stepping out into the cold evening to walk Aesop was refreshing.  Since I had been sitting most of the day the dog and I took a good sized walk, about 2.8 miles.  Self care and caring for my grandson are my happy things for today.

Currently reading:  The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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