Thursday, December 23, 2021


 Work was not as I expected this morning.  Things were so slow that they were letting people go home.  Since I am still not back to full health from my cold,

 I volunteered and went home.  Then I got productive.  Here are some happy things from today:

  • This year I am trying to give very few gifts.  The ones that are here I wrapped this morning while the rest of the house slept.
  • While everyone else slept I put away the clean dishes, loaded the dishwasher again, ran the dishwasher and washed the hand washable dishes.  By the time everyone awoke, the dishwasher had finished.
  • It is my laundry day and I got my clothes into the wash before the house awoke.
  • I went down to the cellar and did some plant supply organizing.  I set up a little space heater (which got repurposed after people woke up) to try to warm up the area with the plants.  
  • When Aesop, the dog, woke up I gave him a short walk around the yard so that he wouldn't wake up the household.  The sun was up, but not over the hill yet.

  • AFTER everyone was awake I went with Gideon and Zed's mom to do some Christmas shopping.  The few stores we went to weren't horribly busy on this Thursday morning.  
  • Zed's mom has wanted an angel like is described in the Bible.  Keziah made one for her.  My daughter is very talented.
It even lights up!

It was a good and productive day.  

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


  1. Now I must go and remind myself just exactly how angels are described in the Bible so I can fully appreciate Keziah's creation. 😄

  2. It is in Ezekiel. I Googled 'Bible, angel, Ezekiel' and it took me right to the section.


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...