Wednesday, December 29, 2021


 A guy was nearby when I was struggling to load a bag up high at work today.  He was nice, just got under there and pushed, making it easier to place it.  The last bag to stack (which this was) tends to be the hardest to put up because the other bags are in the way.  I've worked with this man before, he seems like a nice guy.  Anyway, then he asks me where my scally cap was.  He tells me that he likes it and was wondering why I wasn't wearing it.  What I hear though is skully cap, like a skull, and I am thinking about the hat I wore around Halloween that had skulls on it.  I generally only wear hats when it is raining or snowing, to keep my glasses dry, and I explained this to him (he always wears a hat).  It was a very brief conversation.  Afterwards, I realized that he was most likely talking about the hat I wore yesterday.  When I got home, I googled it and learned that apparently the style of hat my dad used to wear is called a scally cap.  

Me, in my dad's cap.

Yesterday was the first time I wore this hat to work.  The other hats were more baseball in style with a business logo or skulls decorating them.  None of the hats are ones that I chose to own, just hats that someone left and I kept to use.  I have been trying to decide what I might want to buy to use at work for a hat.  A hat can be an expression of one's personality, interests, or hobbies.  The hats I wear in the summer to garden or hike aren't quite appropriate for work.  My winter hats are too hot.  Buying a new hat seemed like the way to go.  Until that happens, maybe I'll just wear Dad's old hat.  

Getting help with heavy lifting and a compliment on my hat, and learning that the hat is called a scally cap are my happy things for today.

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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