Tuesday, December 14, 2021


 The decision was made this year to not have an indoor Christmas tree.  With the two cats (we got them December 19th last year) and now a dog it just doesn't seem like a good idea.  It will be stress producing, which we don't need.  The next problem with the pets is what to do with the gifts.  Zed got his wrapping mostly done the other day (about two weeks ahead of when he is usually wrapping) and came up with what seems like a perfect spot.  There is a shelf above the stairs that the cats sometimes go on.  There isn't much room now though because of the presents.

The sled is there all the time and attached to the wall.  That is my happy thing for today.  Next for me is sleep.

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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