Tuesday, December 7, 2021


 It was not the most promising beginning of my work week.  There was some computer malfunction somewhere and things didn't go smoothly.  My concern is that tonight we will be make up for all the things that didn't get done today because of the problem.  There are some happy things to share from today:

  • Aesop, the dog, greeted me when I got home today.  He doesn't always do this and it was nice.

  • Winston, the orange tabby, let me pet him at the same time as I pet the dog.

  • Nanni, the brown tabby, has decided that sleeping in the catnip laced scratcher is her new favorite place to be.

  • Keziah, not a pet, has a sewing project that she is excited about and that excitement is contagious.

Currently listening to: Gilgamesh, translated by Stephen Mitchell, narrated by George Guidall.
        Finished!  After the story there was an essay that I think was longer than the story.  I finished that essay today and it was pretty good.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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