Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!

 When I was a kid there were little craft kits, I think called Shrink Its, that you could paint and then put in the oven and the design would shrink up and become hard to use as a magnet or key chain.  It used to bother me that people could only do whatever design was purchased and not freestyle something.  Apparently, now you can.  For Christmas Keziah got me some beautiful earrings from a local artist.  The artist paints and then shrinks the design down.  

A female and male cardinal.

I got lots of other things too.  Other happy things from Christmas day:

  • Keziah was happy to get the air fryer that I won at work.  We had been looking into getting one when we thought the toaster oven broke (it was a circuit).  She also liked the attachment I got for her Kitchenaid.  I think a general reorganizing of the kitchen will need to happen soon.  
  • Zed and Gideon got drones.  The weather was icy and rainy so it was not a good day to take them outside.  They used them inside instead.
  • Microspikes were worn today when anyone went outside.  The roads were icy and so were the sidewalks.  There is beauty in ice.

  • There was laughter and love in the house today.  We got to talk online with distant family and friends.  It was wonderful to see Bel and Folke through the wonders of modern technology.  
My hope for you, dear reader, is that something made you happy today and every day.  😊

πŸŽ„ ☮ πŸŽ„

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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