Thursday, December 30, 2021

Thoughts Disjointed

A few times a week Aesop, our dog, gets to spend the day playing with other dogs at a doggy daycare.  The daycare is about a mile from where I work, but today was the first time I have had the opportunity to pick him up from there.  He was so happy to be picked up.  I've been told that he is also very glad to get there.  I think he was the last dog so was probably bored.  

One of the nice things about working late at night until late morning is the general lack of traffic.  On the way to work I might see five cars.   There are more cars on the drive home, but still not the steady stream that goes down that road after five in the afternoon.  I took a personal day today so I could use that time before the end of the year.  Driving that way to get Aesop and seeing all the traffic was a nice reminder of the ease of my current commute.  Getting Aesop and my commute are happy things for today.  Other happy things include:

  • TF and I took a few hours midday and tried to get closer to defeating monsters and finding treasure in Minecraft. 
  • I also got out for a walk by myself this afternoon, before picking up Aesop.  It took me a little while to clear my head, but it was a nice walk.  Not everyone has Christmas lights on still, but I got a picture of one house from down the street.

  • When I got home with Aesop, Winston, the orange tabby, gave me a look.  It wasn't quite an angry cat look, but it was close.  Then I got this puzzled look...
"Why?" asks Winston, "Why did you bring that dog back to the house?"

I'm not sure that technically falls under the happy category, but I thought Winston's looks were priceless.

Currently reading:  The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


 A guy was nearby when I was struggling to load a bag up high at work today.  He was nice, just got under there and pushed, making it easier to place it.  The last bag to stack (which this was) tends to be the hardest to put up because the other bags are in the way.  I've worked with this man before, he seems like a nice guy.  Anyway, then he asks me where my scally cap was.  He tells me that he likes it and was wondering why I wasn't wearing it.  What I hear though is skully cap, like a skull, and I am thinking about the hat I wore around Halloween that had skulls on it.  I generally only wear hats when it is raining or snowing, to keep my glasses dry, and I explained this to him (he always wears a hat).  It was a very brief conversation.  Afterwards, I realized that he was most likely talking about the hat I wore yesterday.  When I got home, I googled it and learned that apparently the style of hat my dad used to wear is called a scally cap.  

Me, in my dad's cap.

Yesterday was the first time I wore this hat to work.  The other hats were more baseball in style with a business logo or skulls decorating them.  None of the hats are ones that I chose to own, just hats that someone left and I kept to use.  I have been trying to decide what I might want to buy to use at work for a hat.  A hat can be an expression of one's personality, interests, or hobbies.  The hats I wear in the summer to garden or hike aren't quite appropriate for work.  My winter hats are too hot.  Buying a new hat seemed like the way to go.  Until that happens, maybe I'll just wear Dad's old hat.  

Getting help with heavy lifting and a compliment on my hat, and learning that the hat is called a scally cap are my happy things for today.

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Frosted Christmas Tree

 There was a light sprinkling of snow as I left for work last night.  Sometimes, when it snows at night, I notice that there is more light.  I think the snow reflects the light and everything seems a little brighter.  Or it is just my imagination.  Leaving for work the Christmas tree was lit up and I noticed all the snow on the branches from the last storm.  Sometimes, it is worth being a minute late to work to take a picture.

If the tree is moveable in a week or so I am planning to move it out by the wildlife camera.  There was something going around on Facebook that suggested this.  I might string some popcorn up on it and see what it attracts.  

The tree is my big happy thing for today.  One other thing is that a manager spoke with me today at work and I might be getting trained on something new next week.  Fingers crossed.

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Monday, December 27, 2021

The Last Monday of 2021

 Another lazy day for me.  I did get my step count in and clear the snow off the car.  I also played on Gideon's Switch to do that exercise game.  That game might be designed for kids, but I am feeling it in my arms and having fun.  Other happy things for today include:

  • I might have seen a junco.  Even if it wasn't, the thought that the birds are probably around for winter made me happy.  There were birds singing outside, behind the screen and branches, and as I tried to get closer it left my line of vision.  I think the birds in the picture are sparrows.

  • The clouds had muted colors and looked like a soft fluffy blanket.

  • That game of Gideon's on the Switch?  Gideon is really enjoying it too.  I'm happy that he is getting more, and different, types of movement.  He will be skiing soon and there are exercises that will help him prepare for the slopes.

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Boxing Day

 One of the things that TF succeeds in bringing into her life is whimsy.  She is able to create it or recognize it when often I don't.  With whimsy in mind I did some online searching and found this article, 8 Ways to Keep Your Whimsy.  After that I came up with my own list of ideas for me to help bring whimsy or some happiness.  So far that list is 39 items long. Here are a few other happy things from today:

  • It snowed last night.  Everything looked fresh when I took Aesop out for a quick yard walk.

  • For Christmas, Gideon got a video game for his Switch for exercising.  After watching Gideon, I played for a little bit too.  It was fun and I hope to play it again sometime.

  • A freind came over and visited for a little bit so Keziah could help her make a gown for SCA things.
  • The Aesop late evening walk was also made more lovely by the addition of new snow.

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.     

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!

 When I was a kid there were little craft kits, I think called Shrink Its, that you could paint and then put in the oven and the design would shrink up and become hard to use as a magnet or key chain.  It used to bother me that people could only do whatever design was purchased and not freestyle something.  Apparently, now you can.  For Christmas Keziah got me some beautiful earrings from a local artist.  The artist paints and then shrinks the design down.  

A female and male cardinal.

I got lots of other things too.  Other happy things from Christmas day:

  • Keziah was happy to get the air fryer that I won at work.  We had been looking into getting one when we thought the toaster oven broke (it was a circuit).  She also liked the attachment I got for her Kitchenaid.  I think a general reorganizing of the kitchen will need to happen soon.  
  • Zed and Gideon got drones.  The weather was icy and rainy so it was not a good day to take them outside.  They used them inside instead.
  • Microspikes were worn today when anyone went outside.  The roads were icy and so were the sidewalks.  There is beauty in ice.

  • There was laughter and love in the house today.  We got to talk online with distant family and friends.  It was wonderful to see Bel and Folke through the wonders of modern technology.  
My hope for you, dear reader, is that something made you happy today and every day.  😊

🎄 ☮ 🎄

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Happy Christmas Eve

 It is 3:30 AM on Christmas morning and I am just going to bed and writing my Christmas Eve Day blog.  Ah, the sleepless times of a Ms Claus.  After Gideon, Zed's mom, and I played at being members of the Claus family (we filled the stockings) I set out to clean the kitchen and wrap one last gift.  Here are some happy things from today:

  • My big reason for cleaning the kitchen was to mop the floor.  It was time, but more importantly I purchased one of those mats that is supposed to make it easier to stand and I wanted to put it in front of the sink.  It obviously needed to go onto a clean surface.  Hopefully the family likes it when they wake up in the morning.
  • I did work, but it was slow again so I left a little after nine this morning.  That gave me a little over an eight hour day instead of the eleven I was scheduled for.  Next week, when I get paid, I will not be happy, but this week I am glad I was able to leave early. 
  • Christmas shopping is where I went after work.  There were just a few last minute ideas I had, including a new mop.  The store was not overly crowded and I didn't have to wait in line.  It was a rather pleasant trip for the day before Christmas.
  • TF and I were able to have a nice long conversation about her son and his recent passing.  Tears, laughter, and love.  I remember when we met at a park in Texas.  We had just moved to the area and I had used the internet to find a homeschool park day for my kids.  I knew if I waited, I would procrastinate and not meet new people and then be miserable.  More importantly, my kids wouldn't meet new friends and they would be miserable.  So instead of unpacking, we went to the park.  Keziah and TF's son were almost the same age and Bel and her daughter were almost the same age.  They all got along great.  We only lived there a year and lost touch for a while after, I am so thankful that we didn't completely lose touch and our friendship is strong.  When the kids were little, TF's son and Keziah were almost a 'thing', but they were rather young, around eight years old at the time.  Keziah and her son turned 31 this year.
  • We have a Christmas Eve tradition of giving Christmas books on Christmas Eve.  When my kids were little it was the one gift they could open before Christmas morning.  Keziah and Zed have continued this and so I got a new book.  
  • The stockings are filled.  As a last minute thing I added some fairy lights.  I think it makes a nice touch.

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Thursday, December 23, 2021


 Work was not as I expected this morning.  Things were so slow that they were letting people go home.  Since I am still not back to full health from my cold,

 I volunteered and went home.  Then I got productive.  Here are some happy things from today:

  • This year I am trying to give very few gifts.  The ones that are here I wrapped this morning while the rest of the house slept.
  • While everyone else slept I put away the clean dishes, loaded the dishwasher again, ran the dishwasher and washed the hand washable dishes.  By the time everyone awoke, the dishwasher had finished.
  • It is my laundry day and I got my clothes into the wash before the house awoke.
  • I went down to the cellar and did some plant supply organizing.  I set up a little space heater (which got repurposed after people woke up) to try to warm up the area with the plants.  
  • When Aesop, the dog, woke up I gave him a short walk around the yard so that he wouldn't wake up the household.  The sun was up, but not over the hill yet.

  • AFTER everyone was awake I went with Gideon and Zed's mom to do some Christmas shopping.  The few stores we went to weren't horribly busy on this Thursday morning.  
  • Zed's mom has wanted an angel like is described in the Bible.  Keziah made one for her.  My daughter is very talented.
It even lights up!

It was a good and productive day.  

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Not as Sick

 After five days of not working I hope I remember how to do my job.  Seriously, though, I am not at 100% but I hope once I have slept I will feel well enough to go to work tonight.  I definitely feel that I am on the better side of this cold.  Happy things for today include:

  • I did a tiny bit of straightening in my bedroom today.
  • Over the last few days I have binged watched most of the first season of The Witcher on Netflix.  The second season is available now and I needed the refresher before delving too far into that with the adults in the house.  I was able to follow along with the characters and some of the subtleties this time.
  • Keziah and Gideon hung a couple of Christmas decorations around the house and pulled out the stockings.  I'm not ready, but they will be!  

Currently reading:  The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Sick of Being Sick

 This cold has finally brought me down.  I didn't go to work last night.  Depending on how much I cough while trying to sleep will determine whether I go in tonight or not.  They do everything electronically and I have no idea if my request for the time off is approved or not until after my shift is over.  A few happy things for today:

  • Gideon is a wonderful and compassionate human.
  • I crafted a little.  The only picture I took was in-progress.  I cut out the rubber to make a stamp.  I think Keziah was going to print it today at the studio but I haven't seen it if she did.
The green is what was carved out at this point.
  • I happened to catch a glimpse of the sunset through my closed blinds before going to bed.  Beautiful flaming oranges.

Happy Solstice!

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Monday, December 20, 2021

The Cats

In honor of yesterday being the one year anniversary of getting the cats, I took their pictures today.  

Nanni, the brown tabby.

Winston, the orange tabby.

The cats and the following are my happy things for today:
  • Keziah finally got the contract for the SCA event she is running in March.  The contract negotiations went on for a while, partially because of the holidays.  I'm happy that part is over and now she can move on to the rest of the planning.  She is calling it the Aisles of Marche.
  • Part of that planning is a budget.  Keziah claims that she always breaks spreadsheets.  She put together the budget and the spreadsheet didn't break on her.  I generally love working with spreadsheets and only helped a little.
  • Yesterday I forgot to practice DuoLingo.  It has been a very long time since I have missed a day.  I'm thankful for the streak freeze that the game offers and I practiced a little more to make up for missing a day.  The streak stands at 1090 days.

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

My Birthday

 It was a rough day.  Here are some happy highlights:

  • First thing this morning I went outside with Aesop, our dog, for his morning quick walk.  I love the freshly fallen snow and Aesop seems to as well.

  • It has been one year since we got our cats Nanni and Winston.  Of course I didn't have my camera when they were being cute this morning.
  • I forced myself out of the house in the afternoon for a nice walk with Aesop.  Despite having a cold I really wanted to have more of a real walk in the snow.

Turkey footprints.

  • Keziah colored Gideon's hair and he is super happy with it.  It looks great on him.
Christmas green!
  • Keziah and I held an online court today where we officially gave out three awards.  After, we kept the Google Meet open and got to virtually visit with many friends from the Barony that we haven't seen in a while.
  • Getting love and support from --K and other friends and family.
  • The sun shone and now the Christmas tree is lit up.

  • I took some coughing, sneezing, stuffy head, fall down on the floor and go boom medicine...

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Too Much Sadness

 Yesterday, I learned that my best friend from high school has been struggling with cancer for the last year.  We have only rarely kept in touch with happy birthday messages and occasional phone calls.  Today TF, my best friend in Texas, found out that her son has died.  There is a lot of grief in me right now.   There is a bunch to process and I am just on the outskirts.  Holidays are hard.  Hug your loved ones, tell them you love them-often.  Message someone you haven't talked to in a while.   

Earlier today there was happiness as we set up the Christmas tree outside.  Since I am fighting a cold (I had another negative Covid test today) I kept coming inside to get out of the cold and snow.  We are expecting somewhere between four and eight inches.  I'm looking forward to the lights on the tree getting solar charged so I can get a nice nighttime picture of the tree lit up.

Currently reading:  The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


According to the at-home Covid test, I don't have covid.  Unfortunately, I don't feel well.  I did receive a useful and comfortable birthday gift today.   New sandals from TF!  They are made to massage the feet and they seem to work.  This is my happy thing for today.  I'm hoping a good night's sleep and a few days without work will help me feel better fast.

Currently reading:  The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Thursday, December 16, 2021


 During this peak season at work I have spread myself a little too thin.  There hasn't been enough sleep.  It is my hope that after I finish writing this I will get a fair amount of sleep before having to wake up for another eleven hour night on my feet.  I honestly thought I was going to fall asleep while standing at work.  I didn't.  In fact, at one point they pulled another person off the line which made what I had to do go from three aisles to five and I was able to rally and do a pretty good job at getting the work done.  That is my happy thing for today.


Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


For a few different reasons I haven't had a regular 'yearly' physical in about two years. Today I started getting back on track and can now check that off my list of things to do. Yay!  I also had my flu shot. Other happy things for today:

  • Keziah was kind enough to drive since I had worked all night prior to the appointment and my doctor is about 40 minutes away.   It was also good to have that ride time to talk with my daughter.
  • The cold air made the clouds look like a soft  blanket that the sun shone through.  

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


 The decision was made this year to not have an indoor Christmas tree.  With the two cats (we got them December 19th last year) and now a dog it just doesn't seem like a good idea.  It will be stress producing, which we don't need.  The next problem with the pets is what to do with the gifts.  Zed got his wrapping mostly done the other day (about two weeks ahead of when he is usually wrapping) and came up with what seems like a perfect spot.  There is a shelf above the stairs that the cats sometimes go on.  There isn't much room now though because of the presents.

The sled is there all the time and attached to the wall.  That is my happy thing for today.  Next for me is sleep.

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Monday, December 13, 2021


 Knowing that I was going to tour the mall store again today and knowing that we were going to measure it, I should have been more mentally prepared for the amount of time it would take.  The plan is to rent this abandoned mall store for an SCA event in March.  Plans are coming together and I think it is going to be a really great event.  Other happy things for today:

  • The moon is out during the day now.  It is hard to see in the picture, but it was pretty.
It is just over the tree to the left of the light pole.

  • Eggnog.
  • Finding real maple syrup on sale at Ocean State Job Lot.  My love for sugar is huge.  Maple syrup is a glorious food that I never want to run out of.  There were other items on my list that I didn't find and I may go back for more later this week.

Currently reading:  The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Holiday Lights

 My Sunday was spent mostly being lazy and playing games on my phone all day.  Well, almost all day.  Eventually I went for a nice walk as the sun was setting....

and the moon rising.

After I got home from my walk Zed came home and he and I took the dog, Aesop for a walk.  The sun had set by this time but there were still some beautiful colors along the horizon.

The family gathered and got into the van to see the Gift of Lights ay NHMS.  It was an interesting display with different themed lights along the way.   Some were Santa themed, others nursery rhymes.  There were a few other themes as well.

Santa's race car.

Six geese a-laying.

Those are my happy things for today.

Currently reading:  The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Top of the Mound

 Next week Keziah and I are holding a short virtual SCA court to hand out a few awards and hopefully hang out online with some people after.  Today we gave out and recorded two of them.  It was really great to see people we haven't seen in a while and to recognize them for the wonderful things they have been doing.  We have one more to do to prepare for this tiny event.  Other happy things from today:

  • Yesterday I wrote about the comfy sack and that Aesop, the dog, hadn't found a way up it yet since being fluffed.  While I was doing dishes I heard some noises in the living room.  I thought Aesop was letting out an occasional bark at the cats and decided to let them figure it out.  When I came out to check on him I found him at the top of the comfy sack.  yay!  '

  • Christmas lights are set up at other people's homes.  Here is a a yard near where we gave out an award.

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


 One of the things they have been doing at work during this peak season is giving out prizes.  Sometimes it is to a top performer, other times they are taking the top performers and drawing from a hat.  Today one of the names drawn was mine.  Now I have something that we have been talking about purchasing.  I am going to wrap it up for the family for Christmas, until then it is a secret.  Other happy things from today:

  • Another work related thing is that I was assigned to stowing instead of picking.  Picking is what has become the norm and stowing is what I was initially trained for.  That I did well is a surprise since I haven't been doing it as often.  However, this also meant that my body movements were much different.  My feet don't hurt as much today as they did yesterday and I think it is because of this.  Very thankful for that.
  • It was Minecraft Friday.  TF and I are having fun trying to complete a quest.
  • Keziah fluffed the comfy sack.  I seldom use the sack, but she fluffed it SO much that it was almost as tall as Gideon!
I was told that when the dog, Aesop, got home,
he didn't know what to do about it and curled up somewhere else.

Currently listening to: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, as told to Jeff Guinn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...