Wednesday, November 10, 2021


 The work day today went really well.  Generally things flowed well and I felt 'in the zone.'  I was taught a new skill too.  Sometimes packages are missed in the scanning process and someone has to look for them.  It was like a little work scavenger hunt.  Yes, I'm weird.  Work has something called swag bucks that employees can get for doing things.  I was given some to hand out.  That was cool.  I started working there in June and I have had $10 worth of swag bucks that I have been holding onto, not sure what I wanted.  Today, in just this one day, I was given a total of $12.  I think they are just being a little more proactive in giving them out, but I think it is time I look at the swag a little closer.  Also, when the manager started an announcement with "Okay all guys, gals, and nonbinary pals," I just thought that was awesome.  So, work went well.  Other things I am happy for today:

  • We had a consultation with the dog trainer.  She was very helpful and sent us away with homework.  Aesop has some anxiety issues and one of the things we will be doing is making sure he gets a nap/quiet time in his crate every day.  I'm happy we have plans going forward.
  • Our friends, Kimberly and Dennis, gave us the outside tour of their RV.  We will have the option of using it while they are out of the country.  I suddenly feel like the world has opened up for me... or at least the country.  Funny thing is, I may not even use it.
  •  Kimberly and I had a nice walk.  It is good to be able to catch up with her before they leave for Guatemala.  What an adventure it will be!
  • There was rain this morning but it cleared up into a lovely day.
Leaves floating on the breeze.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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