Friday, November 5, 2021

Guy Fawkes Day

 The plan to work in the yard took a back seat to some other things today.  I did get out to the triangle part of the yard and added some more mulch, but it is not yet complete.  Keziah and I are going to an event tomorrow and will be gone all day so yard work will wait until Sunday.  I'm happy that some progress was made; other happy things today:

  • First thing this morning I had a dentist appointment.  Until I find out otherwise, the dental insurance through work seems to have covered the entire visit-cleaning and full x-rays.  I'm good for another six months.
  • I made a checklist of things to do and everything on there has been checked off.
  • I got a nice picture of Gideon and Aesop snuggling on the couch.

  • I worked on what will become a braided rug and got to my first color change.  
I'm thinking of calling the rug Sherbert.

  • When going to get the SD card from the wildlife camera I saw some footprints in the mud.
Pretty sure it is from a deer.
  • I've only written a little bit for NaNoWriMo so far today.  Only 111 words so far.  If I can stay awake, I'll do more writing before I go to sleep.

Currently reading:  Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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