Saturday, November 27, 2021

First Snow Cover of the Season

Yesterday's writer's block seems to have gone away today.  I set a timer and only wrote for a little over twenty minutes, and I wrote almost 600 words.   It is a matter of believing that I can do it at this point and then carving out the time to do so.  I have a little over 2,500 words to write by the end of the month to achieve my 11,000 word goal for NaNoWriMo.  Other happy things for today:

  • Last night I stayed at my friend Amy's house.  The room I use when I visit there is dark and quiet.  I had a good sleep last night.  I even slept more than five hours.  For me that is almost a long time.
  • Everyone is home.  I have enjoyed the quiet of the house, but I am happy that we are all together again.  Aesop had a good few days with a sitter and was very tired today.
  • Leftovers.  Keziah and Zed brought back a bunch of food from their Thanksgiving with Zed's family.  Cranberry sauce is still probably my favorite.  Two days in a row.  Yum.
  • It is snowing.  I'm not sure how happy I am about this.  It is the end of November so it is certainly time to start seeing more snow.  
The white streaks are the snow falling.

Later, snow on the ground.

Currently listening to: Gilgamesh, translated by Stephen Mitchell, narrated by George Guidall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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