Friday, November 26, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Work said there was a lot of product to move on this early Thanksgiving morning.  I arrived earlier than I normally do and I had to park further away than I normally do-and I don't park close.  They set me to work stowing packages and I felt like I started out with a bang.  Unfortunately there were so many people that there was almost nothing to do.  When they asked if anyone wanted to go home I decided to take them up on it.  Other happy things from this Thanksgiving day:

  • Although the temptation was there, I didn't go back to sleep once I got home from work.  Instead I did the dishes and some laundry.
  • While the laundry was going I got some writing done.  I am having a bit of a writer's block, but I got some words written and I am happy that I did.
  • Trash day is normally Thursday but with the holiday I expect it to be picked up Friday instead.  I remembered and got the trash out for tomorrow's pick up.  Yay for remembering!
  • After some sleep and some more chores I headed to my friend Amy's house for a nice vegan Thanksgiving dinner.  Everything was wonderful.  I am so grateful that Amy and her son let me join them for the holiday.
  • Amy and I watched Shang Chi after dinner.  It is a Marvel movie and I really enjoyed it.  The beginning started with subtitles, which I wasn't prepared for.  Thankfully they lessoned as the movie went on.  I was rather tired by the time the movie ended.  There were two previews at the end of the movie, so there will be more to see later!
Had to share because 1066 and
the Battle of Hastings---
Not that learning Spanish has anything to do with 1066,
as far as I know.

Currently reading: A different book that I left at home and don't have the info on to post tonight.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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