Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 From November 18-19 there will be a partial lunar eclipse.  Here is a website with some details.  I also found this website which includes the weather outlook.  It looks like conditions are poor for watching the eclipse where I am.  I'll remain hopeful, whether I remain awake or not is another story.  🤪  The Leonid meteor shower is tonight (November 17-18) but there is cloud cover here.  Things other than space that I am happy for today:

  • The moon shone brightly down as I left for work this morning.  It looked nothing like the picture I took of it.  
The moon is/ more like a star in the picture.

  • Zed and I toured the mall store that we are hoping to rent in March for an SCA event.  It was kind of cool to see some of the back areas that the general public doesn't tend to see.  One thing I never realized before is that some of the walls are so thick because there is access to electricity in them--at least that is my understanding.  
  • Keziah bought a carrot cake and I just had the last piece, yum!

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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