Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 First, thank you -K, for letting me know the link wasn't working.  The setting for the YouTube video I tried to share yesterday is fixed.  Here is the link again for convenience.  Someday I hope to make less silly mistakes when posting things online.  🤪  Here are some happy things from today:

  • For NaNoWriMo I wrote 701 words today.  That puts me really close to on track for my daily word count after missing last Saturday.  My total word count is 3244.  One of the short stories I was working on is basically finished.  I'm not editing at this point.
  • The cats decided to sleep on the bed by me while I wrote.  

            At one point Winston, the orange tabby, reached out his paw in a long stretch and tapped on the             paw of Nanni, the brown tabby.  It was adorable but was not photographed.
  • Aesop, the dog, has a new feeder cup.  It is supposed to make him have to think more to get at the food or treats.  He kept picking it onto the couch which we really don't want him to do.  I kept putting it back on the floor.  Aesop wanted both, to be on the couch and have the food so I got this picture...

  • Just before dark I decided I needed to do something more productive and headed out to the back property to plant the four walnuts I was saving.  Considering my track record, I don't expect them to grow, but I have to try.  I used a yard flag and some tomato cages to mark them.  I expect that squirrels or chipmunks will enjoy them over the winter.  
  • My timing was perfect as I came down the hill after planting the walnuts the sun had set with the sky still turning darker.  The moon had risen and seemed to be right between Jupiter and Venus.
Sun has set.

The planets are harder to see.
Jupiter is to the left and up a little from the moon.
Venus is to the right and down from the moon (much harder to see). 

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.
    This is the book I have been trying to read a chapter each month to follow along with the season and     forgot last month.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for fixing the link - the cuteness was worth the wait! 😍


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...