Thursday, November 11, 2021

Veteran's Day

 There is a list at work for people who want to volunteer to go home early.  I added my name and only worked about an hour and a half.  I wanted to be able to visit with my friends before they left today.  As I walked into the parking lot I saw my chance to take a photo of the trees that line it.  They are a lovely color that the camera didn't quite capture.

When I got home I was going to try to write, instead I got almost four more hours of sleep!  That sleep helped me be more refreshed during the day.  Other happy things for today:

  • My aunt came up from Massachusetts for a short visit.  It was great to see her.  Unfortunately I couldn't remember the mental list of family questions I have, maybe next time.
  • We got the tour of the RV before our friends, Kimberly and Dennis, left with their son and his partner.  Tomorrow they board a train and head south.  
Milling about...
  • Keziah and I had a nice walk with Aesop just after dark.  I'm happy he behaved well.  The last few walks I've had treats to help out and forgot them tonight.
Thank you Veterans.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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