Saturday, November 27, 2021

Footprints in the Snow

Before I start on my list of happy things... A family member passed away from cancer today.  He was a fun loving, hard working person who will be missed.  Putting a smile on people's faces was something he liked to do.  


There are three days left in November.  At the beginning of the month I set a goal to write 11,000 words this month for NaNoWriMo.  It isn't a lot of words.  I know of a teenager who hit the 50,000 word goal on Thanksgiving.  Today I wrote 1,159 words bringing my total so far to 9,585.  I'm not there yet, but I am very pleased with today's progress.  Other happy things for today:

  • This morning I came up to clean my room and got distracted.  My room didn't get any neater.  I started looking for jobs again and got side tracked.  It was a lovely rabbit hole where I became a business professional and traveled to Spain.  I don't see this dream becoming a reality anytime soon.  It did give me some lovely ideas that I was able to write about for one of my NaNoWriMo stories.  Taking time to dream is important and can be a motivator.
  • There is snow on the ground.  Somehow I thought it was going to melt away today.  It is November 27th, so the snow stayed.  The fresh snow brought footprints!
These are Aesop's pawprints.

Unknown print.

Deer print

Not sure, possibly a neighbor's cat.
  • Aesop was very cute when I took him outside in the snow this morning.  He kept snuffling and eating the snow.  Happy dog!
  • Zed and I took Aesop for a walk on the back property.  I have been avoiding the north side of the property since spring when the rains came making it hard to cross the little stream.  We walked the two loops that make up a mile.  It is still very wet, but winter boots kept my feet dry.

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.
Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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