Monday, November 29, 2021

Conservation Area

 It has been a while since I have hiked through the conservation area near where I used to live.  After picking up my mail I visited part of the trail system today.  There have been some changes.  Trails now have names and there is an official looking 5K trail that people can take.  The maps are all updated and pretty.  

I did my own thing and looked for the bridge that Bel helped build back in the day with the Boy Scouts.  It was easy for me to find walking there, not so much when I tried to figure it out on the map, mostly because there are a few bridges in the same area and I totally forgot about the pond feeding it until I got there today.  I'm happy to say that it is still there.

Other things I am happy for today:

  • There were a few things I wanted to see while visiting this area.  The bridge was one and the gnarly old oak tree was another.  According to the new updated map the tree is a red oak and is circa 1750.  The tree and the house I live in are close to the same age.  I think the house will last longer.  It was nice to see the tree still standing.

I see a graceful dancer.

  • There was this collection of cairns that kept someone busy.  Perhaps while their walking companion used the bench beyond.  

  • The following seems to be left over from Halloween.  Someone at the post office has a dark sense of humor...
This appears to be a postal worker crushed under an Amazon box--
Wizard of Oz style.

Currently reading:  The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Currently listening to: Gilgamesh, translated by Stephen Mitchell, narrated by George Guidall.
    I finished listening to the story today but apparently most of the book is the history of the story.  I have another two hours to finish it.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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