Sunday, November 14, 2021


 It was a day full of chores and I even got many of them done.  A few things I forgot to do until it was already dark, they will have to wait.  One of the hardest things to get used to every year is the darkness after the clocks fall back.  The mistake I think I am making is waiting for noon to be here-so it will be warmer outside-and then I am outside, busy, and it will start to get dark.  Here are some things I am happy for today:

  • The ground isn't frozen and I worked in the garden area today.  
  • At the end of October I planted some cereal rye seeds as a cover crop in the garden.  I have been checking and not noticing any growth.  Cereal rye is supposed to make a good cover crop and grow even when it is really cold, and we can either till it back in in the spring or let it grow and harvest the grain in the fall.  I had given up on it growing, until today, there are sprouts!

  • Back in August I went to Pennsylvania to check on the storage unit.  Everything was fine and we had lots of extra time so we wandered around a plaza.  I tried on some jeans at a Levi's store but decided to wait and buy them online.  I took pictures of the tags and a month and a half later I ordered them.  When I tried them on, the pants were too big.  This didn't make any sense until I stepped on the scale and realized I had lost fifteen pounds.  I finally went to exchange them at the outlet stores with Zed, who wanted to visit a different store in the same plaza.  I had no problems with the exchange except that the jeans were on sale.  I returned one pair and came home with two.  I really hope I like these jeans as much as I think I will.
  • A friend of Keziah and Zed's made dinner for us tonight.  He is a professional chef somewhere in England.  It was pasta with a homemade ragu.  I was skeptical about liking it because I am not a big meat eater.  It was delicious!

  • The moon behind a ripple of clouds.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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