Thursday, November 18, 2021


 Last night there were supposed to be meteor showers but I didn't go out to see them.  Tonight is a lunar eclipse.  Zed wants to see it so I might get up and out too.  Currently there is cloud cover.   He has been listening to a podcast that has to do with the open-label placebo effect.  It is called The Placebo Magick Podcast.  It sounds interesting and I am going to try to look into it later.  The point of this is that we might try some placebo magick during the eclipse tonight, if we wake up.  Other happy things from today:

  • Stepping outside with our dog, Aesop, this morning I didn't wear any shoes.  I had expected a very cold ground, it was only a little cold.  There were no signs of frost and the ground was good under my feet.  
  • The day warmed to almost 70 degrees which made for a lovely day to go for a walk with my friend Amy.  We hadn't seen each other in a while and it was good to walk and talk for a while.
  • Along the walk we saw a Halloween display still up in someone's yard.  There was something about the carriage that they used that I just think was spectacular.  It's a beautiful carriage and interesting Halloween decoration.  Apparently one can be purchased at Home Depot.

  • There was a lovely sunset.  

  • And a bright mostly full moon to light up the night.  Later there was rain, but the evening began with mostly clear skies.

Currently reading: Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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