Thursday, November 4, 2021

Buckets and Buckets

There are wonderful things about being outside this time of year.  The days are cooler, the air smells fresh and clean, the leaves are colorful or fallen so the view is different.  There is also something to be said for coming inside and being warm.  Today I did both.  After work I took my tired feet inside and rested in the warm house.  TF and I had our midweek check-in to touch base on our goals for the week.  After that and lunch, I went outside and set to tackle putting mulch on the triangle part of the yard.  --K's suggestion of using a tarp was welcome and appreciated, but there were no tarps to be found.  I did find a six gallon bucket though.  After about 30 minutes walking back and forth, I was ready to rest again.  Progress was made though and tomorrow is another day.   

It looks rather scattered, because it was.
Other happy things for today:

  • We had a Zoom meeting with a dog trainer today.  I listened to most of it.  There were times when Aesop, the dog needing training, was barking enough that I couldn't hear.  We have more ideas and ways to train Aesop.
  • My NaNoWriMo word count has fallen a little short today.  Only 115 words written today.  There are ideas, but my brain is too tired from working all night and not getting more than a cat nap today.  But I still wrote!
  • The mulch is under an evergreen tree with many pinecones.  A pair of chickadees were, I believe, feasting on the seeds/nuts. They stuck around for me to take some pictures. Also, it is not a pine tree but some other type of evergreen, they may not be called pinecones...

There is a chickadee in this picture, really.

Currently reading:  Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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