Tuesday, November 30, 2021


 Around six o'clock last night I got a call from work.  I hadn't been asleep for long.  The recorded message was to make sure that the employees knew to come in an hour early for Mandatory Extended Time.  The holidays mean that more people are buying things so we have more work to do.  I'm happy I got the message and didn't end up being late for work.  Other things I am happy for today:

  • Keziah was nice enough to drive me into town for a quick errand.  I was so tired after work and having lunch that I didn't want to drive.  The task was completed thanks to Keziah driving.
  • Today, November 30th, marks the last day of NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writer's Month.  The recommended word count for adults to write is 50,000.  My personal goal was much smaller at 11,000.  I'm happy to report that when I stopped writing today my word count exceeded that.  I'm not sure if I will try to do this again next year.  But I reached this year's goal, yay!

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Conservation Area

 It has been a while since I have hiked through the conservation area near where I used to live.  After picking up my mail I visited part of the trail system today.  There have been some changes.  Trails now have names and there is an official looking 5K trail that people can take.  The maps are all updated and pretty.  

I did my own thing and looked for the bridge that Bel helped build back in the day with the Boy Scouts.  It was easy for me to find walking there, not so much when I tried to figure it out on the map, mostly because there are a few bridges in the same area and I totally forgot about the pond feeding it until I got there today.  I'm happy to say that it is still there.

Other things I am happy for today:

  • There were a few things I wanted to see while visiting this area.  The bridge was one and the gnarly old oak tree was another.  According to the new updated map the tree is a red oak and is circa 1750.  The tree and the house I live in are close to the same age.  I think the house will last longer.  It was nice to see the tree still standing.

I see a graceful dancer.

  • There was this collection of cairns that kept someone busy.  Perhaps while their walking companion used the bench beyond.  

  • The following seems to be left over from Halloween.  Someone at the post office has a dark sense of humor...
This appears to be a postal worker crushed under an Amazon box--
Wizard of Oz style.

Currently reading:  The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Currently listening to: Gilgamesh, translated by Stephen Mitchell, narrated by George Guidall.
    I finished listening to the story today but apparently most of the book is the history of the story.  I have another two hours to finish it.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Sunday, November 28, 2021


 As I sit here, reflecting on my day, I thought I did more.  It felt like a long weekend and I think I got some of the rest I needed.  Other things I am happy for today:

  • Sometimes Aesop, the dog, hasn't gotten along with Gideon, my grandson.  Today Gideon curled up on the Comfy Sack with his phone and Aesop curled up next to him with his bone.

  • It is getting close to the beginning of the month and I remembered to pay my mortgage early.  That doesn't happen often.  Hooray!
  • We watched the Captain Marvel movie tonight.  It was the first time for Gideon and he really enjoyed it.  His enthusiasm for the Marvel movies is infectious.  I love that this movie has a strong female lead.

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Footprints in the Snow

Before I start on my list of happy things... A family member passed away from cancer today.  He was a fun loving, hard working person who will be missed.  Putting a smile on people's faces was something he liked to do.  


There are three days left in November.  At the beginning of the month I set a goal to write 11,000 words this month for NaNoWriMo.  It isn't a lot of words.  I know of a teenager who hit the 50,000 word goal on Thanksgiving.  Today I wrote 1,159 words bringing my total so far to 9,585.  I'm not there yet, but I am very pleased with today's progress.  Other happy things for today:

  • This morning I came up to clean my room and got distracted.  My room didn't get any neater.  I started looking for jobs again and got side tracked.  It was a lovely rabbit hole where I became a business professional and traveled to Spain.  I don't see this dream becoming a reality anytime soon.  It did give me some lovely ideas that I was able to write about for one of my NaNoWriMo stories.  Taking time to dream is important and can be a motivator.
  • There is snow on the ground.  Somehow I thought it was going to melt away today.  It is November 27th, so the snow stayed.  The fresh snow brought footprints!
These are Aesop's pawprints.

Unknown print.

Deer print

Not sure, possibly a neighbor's cat.
  • Aesop was very cute when I took him outside in the snow this morning.  He kept snuffling and eating the snow.  Happy dog!
  • Zed and I took Aesop for a walk on the back property.  I have been avoiding the north side of the property since spring when the rains came making it hard to cross the little stream.  We walked the two loops that make up a mile.  It is still very wet, but winter boots kept my feet dry.

Currently reading: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.
Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

First Snow Cover of the Season

Yesterday's writer's block seems to have gone away today.  I set a timer and only wrote for a little over twenty minutes, and I wrote almost 600 words.   It is a matter of believing that I can do it at this point and then carving out the time to do so.  I have a little over 2,500 words to write by the end of the month to achieve my 11,000 word goal for NaNoWriMo.  Other happy things for today:

  • Last night I stayed at my friend Amy's house.  The room I use when I visit there is dark and quiet.  I had a good sleep last night.  I even slept more than five hours.  For me that is almost a long time.
  • Everyone is home.  I have enjoyed the quiet of the house, but I am happy that we are all together again.  Aesop had a good few days with a sitter and was very tired today.
  • Leftovers.  Keziah and Zed brought back a bunch of food from their Thanksgiving with Zed's family.  Cranberry sauce is still probably my favorite.  Two days in a row.  Yum.
  • It is snowing.  I'm not sure how happy I am about this.  It is the end of November so it is certainly time to start seeing more snow.  
The white streaks are the snow falling.

Later, snow on the ground.

Currently listening to: Gilgamesh, translated by Stephen Mitchell, narrated by George Guidall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Work said there was a lot of product to move on this early Thanksgiving morning.  I arrived earlier than I normally do and I had to park further away than I normally do-and I don't park close.  They set me to work stowing packages and I felt like I started out with a bang.  Unfortunately there were so many people that there was almost nothing to do.  When they asked if anyone wanted to go home I decided to take them up on it.  Other happy things from this Thanksgiving day:

  • Although the temptation was there, I didn't go back to sleep once I got home from work.  Instead I did the dishes and some laundry.
  • While the laundry was going I got some writing done.  I am having a bit of a writer's block, but I got some words written and I am happy that I did.
  • Trash day is normally Thursday but with the holiday I expect it to be picked up Friday instead.  I remembered and got the trash out for tomorrow's pick up.  Yay for remembering!
  • After some sleep and some more chores I headed to my friend Amy's house for a nice vegan Thanksgiving dinner.  Everything was wonderful.  I am so grateful that Amy and her son let me join them for the holiday.
  • Amy and I watched Shang Chi after dinner.  It is a Marvel movie and I really enjoyed it.  The beginning started with subtitles, which I wasn't prepared for.  Thankfully they lessoned as the movie went on.  I was rather tired by the time the movie ended.  There were two previews at the end of the movie, so there will be more to see later!
Had to share because 1066 and
the Battle of Hastings---
Not that learning Spanish has anything to do with 1066,
as far as I know.

Currently reading: A different book that I left at home and don't have the info on to post tonight.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

A Short List

 Yesterday I wasn't feeling well, today I felt much better.  I believe I just needed sleep.  Sleep makes for a nice happy thing for today.  Others include:

  • The house is quiet.  The rest of the family is out and I will be going to sleep in a few minutes without the dog barking.  Nanni, the brown tabby, is asleep next to me and Winston, the orange tabby, is around somewhere; but they are generally quiet.  
Before Nanni fell asleep she was a little playful.
  • Hugs and kisses from the family.
  • I finished reading a book.

Finished reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Little Things

 Apparently yesterday took a lot out of me.  I didn't sleep well and didn't feel well at work so I came home early.  I slept well, but not long after I got home.  I'm still not feeling great, but definitely better than when I was at work.  What are my happy things for today?  Let's see:

  • --K shared a special memory about Mount Chocorua on yesterday's blog.  I love that!  It got me thinking about different games I played in the car with my kids when they were young.  Thank you!
  • I got a little bit of all the things I like to accomplish every day done.  Most of my 10,000 steps happened at work and I remembered to practice Duolingo and read and the other little things I like to do.  Although the word count is falling behind, I did write a few sentences for NaNoWriMo.  
  • Another thing I am happy for is Netflix and comedy series.  
  • Tea, Keziah made me a ginger lemon tea that was delightful.
  • And...
Keziah helped Gideon make this
yummy looking pumpkin pie.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Mountain and River, Oh My!

 Somewhere along the road the rocky summit of Mount Chocorua seemed to start taunting me.  I could see it pop through the trees or hover over the road like a distant road block in front of me as I got closer to my destination.  My trip to REI took me past the mountain and the trails to it.  It reminded me that I was hoping to climb Mount Chocorua this year and didn't.  It was also beautiful.

Other happy things from today:

  • I have new hiking shoes!  The trip to REI was for either new hiking shoes or hiking poles.  The nice employee must have pulled out six different pairs of shoes before I finally found some Merrell shoes that fit me the way I wanted.  I also got some EXOspikes that I hope will keep me from sliding around once things get slippery.
  • I've been having a problem with the Bluetooth on my phone.  It will randomly turn off.  The road trip was almost two hours each way and it only turned off once.  Perhaps whatever is causing this problem is over.
  • Before heading home I wanted to get my 10,000 steps in and reach my daily goal.  I found a trail, the Conway Rec Path, that was nearby.  

The trail followed the Saco River.  I set a timer so I could get out before dark and head home so I couldn't hike the whole thing.  It was a lovely walk.

Some trees had some interesting
growth patterns.

Saco River.

Proof of Life.

The rocks can be seen through the water
 and I thought it was pretty.

The branch on this tree starts in one direction
and then turns and goes the other way.
It has led a life full of turns.



Foot Print.


  • This morning Aesop, the dog, and Winston, the cat, almost got along for a little bit.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

If Cats Could Talk

 Gideon, Keziah, and I met some friends at a local cafe this morning to write and work on upcoming SCA things.  I added some words to one of my NaNoWriMo stories and worked on organizing a Yule event.  The food was good and the company, better.  Other happy things for today:

  • There are things that we have been letting collect in the driveway because they needed the ladder set up to put them away.  Today we set up the ladder and put them away.  There are a few more things that need to be put away before the snow falls and we need to plow, but we are closer.  Yay!
  • Keziah and Zed wanted a fire tonight.  I helped by building the foundation.  Then I went inside and had my accountability meeting with TF and then I made dinner.  I never made it out to see the fire.  I'm okay with that.  I took a picture of the indoor one to share instead.

  • Before bed I still didn't have my steps for the day so I got ready to take Aesop for a walk.  Nanni was wanting attention.  After petting her for a few minutes she gave me this look:
What I think she is saying is, "Sure, just leave me here and go walk that dog!  I won't be here when you get back."   And she wasn't.  🤪

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Sunday, November 21, 2021


 Thanksgiving is most likely my favorite holiday.  The reasons have nothing to do with the history behind the day, that is actually bittersweet at best.  It is because people gather to share a meal and give thanks.  I am thankful for everything I write about as my happy things every day.  Here are today's:

  • This year my SCA household decided to get together for Thanksgiving.  We all brought foods to share and gathered at the house of a household member and visited.
  • We have some really good cooks in the household.
  • A few of us went out for a walk before dinner.  There was a small fallen windmill.  
I mostly forgot to take pictures.
The windmill is on the ground.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Look to the Sky

 This morning Keziah and I took Aesop to a local dog park. ALL the dogs were much larger than Aesop. He would have fun, then seem a bit overwhelmed, have fun, overwhelmed. We brought him to the other side of the fence and he played with one of the big dogs through the fence. Eventually we took him for a walk on the trails near the park. They are brand new trails with big bridges near the river.  It is a beautiful area.

We let Aesop be on the long leash.

Deer prints!

Other happy things from today:

  • Zed, Gideon and I got up before dawn to try to see the lunar eclipse.  The rain had stopped and the clouds thinned when we first went out.  We got occasional glimpses of the moon, mostly a dark orange color with a sliver of it bright and silvery.
As usual, the camera on my phone doesn't capture the moon well.
The batteries needed charging on the other camera.

  • The moon had a magical look when thin layers of clouds would glide between us and the moon.
  • The sky got clearer as the time passed.  We all saw at least one shooting star.  These were most likely part of the Leonid meteor shower that was at peak the previous night.
  • The constellations were also big and shiney once the clouds went away.
Much of Orion.

  • After Gideon went back to bed, Zed and I saw four different satellites.  I Googled where the International Space Station should be and it is unlikely that any of the satellites were it.
  • While the sky was performing above, we performed a ritual below.  Zed decided to take an old shirt that he should have just gotten rid of and burn it.  So, I decided to burn something too.  There was a nightshirt of my mother's that I put into my rotation of night clothes after she died.  It was threadbare and tearing but still extremely comfortable.  I recently purchased some new nightshirts and was going to get rid of it then, but didn't.  It had a Halloween-ish theme, so maybe after that, nope.  Maybe it was more autumn and could wait until after Thanksgiving... I have a problem.  It is gone and before Thanksgiving because Zed wanted to burn his shirt.  These two items of clothing as well as some sticks and old mail are now ash.  Zed saved some of the ash, he has a plan.  The rest is for me and it will go to feed part of the garden.

The nightshirt went up real fast.

  • Another lovely sunset.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...