Saturday, July 31, 2021

New Trail

We have survived our first full day with a dog. Yay! The cats are still quite skeptical, to say the least, about there being a dog in the house. Since Major didn't respond to that name, we have settled on Aesop, or Ace, for short. I know... Aesop can/should be pronounced with an ee sound, but I grew up pronouncing it with the long a. Besides, Ace sounds better to us than Ece.  Thank you, -K for the comment yesterday with the suggestion!  Other happy things for today:

  • There has been so much rain lately that mushrooms are popping up everywhere.  
Zoomed in to get this mushroom picture.

  • Keziah bought some dog toys today, one is an axolotl.  
New toys!
  • Mistakes were made.  I took Aesop for a walk and decided to check out a new-to-me trail.  The new-to-me part was the mistake.  It might have worked out fine had we not had so very much rain recently.  Certain sections were flooded enough that I made turns at intersections that I may not have otherwise.  We totaled a little over three miles, and I discovered new trails.
  • There was a section of trail that had some downed trees.  I almost turned around there too, but we ducked under them instead.

  • There is a swamp I sometimes walk by and this trail took us behind that swamp.  When I got back to the road I noticed that the swamp is COVERED with lily pads.

  • Winston, the orange tabby, was curious and brave enough to come up and smell Aesop's new and older toys.

Currently reading: Backpacking A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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