Saturday, July 17, 2021

Imposter Syndrome

Procrastination is something that I am good at. I somehow had a hard time falling asleep last night and so slept in this morning. I started well with preparing for this weekend. I was hoping for adventure. Then I think imposter syndrome set in. I had a hard time finding and organizing things to take with me. I had a list and would forget to look at it. Other things would distract me. The result is that I left too late to go where I had hoped to go. That said, I did leave, not as prepared as I would like, and set off. Other happy things for today:

  • I walked around a little outside before leaving and watered some plants and such.  I also saw a cool butterfly.
According to Lens it is a little wood satyr.

  • Before looking at the weather, I was hoping for three new fire towers this weekend. The weather may be very rainy and include thunderstorms. That changed my plan to just two. Then I left too late and so I am hoping for one new fire tower visit tomorrow. However, I did have time to hike to the Oak Hill Fire Tower that I have visited before. The views, per usual, were lovely.

  • While atop the tower a young man (maybe a teen) came up. He had ridden his bicycle to the top. It was his first time up there and seemed happy to have made the trek.
  • Although not what I hoped for, so far I am safe and doing well.
Today I skipped reading my books, there were other things to do and I thought I would have time, but didn't.  I'm choosing to be okay with this.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Adventures are built out of steps forward and back ways, sideways and slant ways, each contributes to the experience and provide us with new and differing perspectives. Like that young man who rode his bike up there for the first time. What a lovely honor you got to share his first experience there.

    I am so happy for you getting out and going, even if truncated from your plan. I need some of that chutzpah! I stay in my comfortable little world to much these days, stuck with self imposed mundane tasks. You inspire me!!!!


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...