Wednesday, July 28, 2021


 Since starting my new job with a different sleep schedule I have been writing this blog in the afternoon, before I go to sleep.  I found that I can schedule when I want the blog to post and have been using this feature so it posts later in the evening.  If something wonderful happens I can edit this until the scheduled time.  I have yet to remember to edit anything when I get up, I just get ready for work.  After writing and before going to sleep last night I made a wonderful discovery.  Perhaps discovery is a bit strong, I knew but had forgotten.  Anyhow, I've been having trouble falling asleep because my room is too light.  I have dark grey/black blinds that are closed, but light still peeks through.  When getting ready to hang a piece of fabric over them I started to take down a 'thing' because I might be able to hang the fabric on what was holding that 'thing'.  That thing is a window shade!  Duh!  I wondered when I moved into this room why anyone would need both blinds and shades, now I know.  They are only on two of the windows, so far that is enough.  I slept way better yesterday with just one of the shades down.  Other happy things for today: 

  • One of the guilty pleasures that I sometimes do in the afternoon is to watch "Grace and Frankie" on Netflix.  Keziah watches with me sometimes but I have moved ahead of her in episodes.  Today I got to bite my tongue as something happened with the characters that she was upset about.  It was a little thing that happened, then for comedy a different character came in and fixed for comedic value.  It was grand to watch Keziah, knowing what was going to happen.  
  • The milkweed seed pods are looking big and getting ready to burst.  I'm hoping to cut them down before that happens and put them way in the back of the property.  I still need to check to see if there is a butterfly chrysalis on there too.  

  • The lily of the valley plants are also going to seed.  There are so many that I hope to thin them out in the fall.  For now I am happy that they are there and that there are less weeds where they grow.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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