Sunday, July 11, 2021

Embracing the Groundhog...Haha!

 Researching ways to get rid of a groundhog I had a sort of revelation.  I'm letting these animals get the best of me.  Today I have decided that my best plan of action is to embrace the groundhog.  I do not mean literally.  Even the figurative meaning is off a bit.  This year the garden is not going to produce much, again.  Part of the reason is the woodchuck/groundhog family.  Part of the reason is that I started with a bang but ran into things along the way that have derailed my efforts.  My hope is to concentrate on getting the fence where I want it to be to help keep out as many critters as I can while making the garden a place they might not want to be.  I also hope to do more prep work and research about the soil and other conditions and rent a tiller to get rid of some of the weeds.  If I can find a way to plant the things I have already started and keep them protected from the critters that want to eat them, I will.  My mindset needs to shift though.  Anyway, here are other happy things from today:

  • Keziah has been helping some friends clean out their storage unit.  In the process, she has brought home a few things.
I'm not sure how long it has been there, but 
I noticed this statue by some of the wild sweet William.

  • The bindweed and grapes are holding each other.
I really like the bindweed flower.
They are in the same family as morning glories
which I also like.
  • The SCA household that I am a part of had a gathering today.  Six of us were able to attend.  It was so wonderful to see these friends.  I arrived early enough to walk with Anastasia and be greeted by her cat.  One of the friends we haven't seen in a few years and that helped to make the day even more special.  It was really fun getting to catch up with, and hug, this group of people.  I wish I had remembered to take a photo of us.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Thank you for reading, stay safe.

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