Tuesday, July 13, 2021


 On my way out of work today a coworker made conversation with me.  I keep to myself, mostly.  I can't do small talk and work.  Breaks are spent in the car.  It was nice.  Other happy things for today:

  • For lunch at work this week, I have salads.  Yay for a healthy choice.
  • Since making the decision to embrace the groundhogs I haven't been out to the garden much.  It has also been raining a bunch.  All the plants I have inside still needed attention though.  I got some of them into pots and put them outside of the apartment at the back of the house.  Hopefully this is far enough away from the groundhogs.  There is still a possibility that the chipmunks are sharing in the garden destruction, but I hope not.
I planted a couple small tomato plants
that I started from seed.
There are more, for another day.

Three of the zinnia plants.
Some geranium, I may keep these potted regardless.
  • There are blueberries ready to harvest.  I'm waiting until tomorrow to be sure.
Just a few ripe blueberries, so far.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.
    Yogurt recipes!

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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