Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 Yesterday afternoon I didn't sleep well.  I went to bed a little later than I wanted but could have had almost seven hours of sleep.  I had about two, maybe a little more.  I went to work and gave myself a pep talk on the way into the building.  Telling myself that I have often been able to at least function with little sleep and that I have had to act, on a stage, during times much more stressful and made it through.  Thirty minutes or so into the night when they were offering voluntary time off, I went home.  I was doing okay, but I felt like the lack of sleep would become a problem early into the work day.  Apparently they were overstaffed by a few people.  On the way home, I played some Pokemon Go and Harry Potter Wizards Unite.  I wanted to ensure that I would be able to sleep today.  Other happy things:

  • I took a nap after getting home, just under two hours.  As I was hitting the snooze on the alarm Keziah knocked and asked if I wanted to go blueberry picking.  I had forgotten about this outing, I wasn't going to be able to go.  I went.  We picked up my aunt and went picking at Turkey Hill Farm.  Keziah and I together picked over eleven pounds from two bushes.  YUM!  I totally forgot to take pictures.
  • After lunch at home I mowed a little bit of the yard.  Just enough to finish getting my steps in and a little more.  The lawn mower was broken for a bit and then we had rain.  The grass and weeds are taking over.
  • A bright pop of red caught my eye in one of the flower gardens.  According to Lens it is scarlet beebalm.
Scarlet Beebalm.
  • I picked the blueberries on our bush in the afternoon.  That this bush is producing anything this summer is huge.  Last year it dried out.

  • Gideon chose a dark green for his hair color.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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