Saturday, July 24, 2021


On Fridays the craft night that used to happen before Covid is happening again. I don’t tend to go often but I did tonight. Keziah and I left early to get some food from across the street and bring it to friends. After Keziah ordered, I realized I didn’t have my phone so I walked across the street to get it. As I waited for my turn through the cars to go back to the restaurant there was a large bird flying over the street. It was not high, maybe just above the treeline. It was a bald eagle. I was stunned momentarily and then realized my phone was in my hand. By the time the camera was up the eagle was down the street but I took the picture anyway. It is not identifiable from the picture, but I am so thrilled to have seen this giant bird fly over my head.

It is hard to see in this picture so...

I blew it up.
Still hard to identify, but it is a bald eagle!

Other things that I am happy for today:

  • I allowed myself to become totally distracted and drawn in by the Google Doodle game. 
  • Seeing friends at craft night.
  • When taking a walk I noticed there were some flowers being polinated.
Purple Coneflower.

  • Tf and I brought a little bit of whimsy into our Minecraft game.                                                           
    A face.

Currently reading: Backpacking A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.
    This is the book I started yesterday. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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