Monday, July 26, 2021

Dog Days of Summer

 It was hazy and hot today.  Unfortunately, the haze is mostly smoke from distant fires.  This, and other things, led me to look up the meaning behind 'dog days of summer.'  If you aren't sure, feel free to check out that link, seriously.  

This morning Keziah came into my room and asked, "You love me unconditionally, right, Mom?  No matter what."  She is thirty years old.  

"Of course, what's up?" I ask.

She proceeds to tell me a short tale in which mistakes were made but everything will be fine.  It has nothing to do with me.

About an hour later, she came into my room again.  "You love me unconditionally, right, Mom?  No matter what."

Now I feel like this is a game and I say something like, "As long as you aren't planning to kill me," with a short laugh.  She assures me that this is not going to happen.

"We might be getting a puppy," says Keziah.

My happy things for this day:

  • It looks like we are getting a seven month old part spaniel on Thursday.
  • I got out for a nice walk with a friend.
  • Two boxes full of fabric are gone, out of the house, and given away. 
  • And the pictures.

Common evening primrose complete with a bee.


I was hoping this photo would capture the haze more.

I've been looking at the branches touching the ground.
I looked up at Marjorie and noticed how
 many peaches she is carrying.

Currently reading:  The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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