Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 This year one of the goals I had was to grow geraniums to plant at the family graves for Memorial Day.  There were many obstacles that got in my way and that didn't happen.  Many of the geraniums are now much closer to planting in the ground.  I took three of the smaller ones and planted them near where the zinnia were eaten by the woodchucks/groundhogs.  

These three geraniums are much smaller
than most of the others.

According to this site, scented geraniums are resistant to being eaten by deer and groundhogs.  I am hopeful.  Happy things for today:

  • I am still employed.  (Yes, I'm tired and weary already.)  
  • The blackberries are starting to ripen.  I had one today and it was pretty good.
Amid the black-eyed Susan and grasses
are the blackberries.
  • Many thanks to Reader --K who noticed that what I thought was a yellow jacket yesterday is most likely a sweat bee.  I seem to remember seeing some last year, too.  

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Thank you for reading, stay safe.

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