Friday, July 2, 2021


 It looks like the holiday weekend will be wet.  This is good for what plants are out there.  For those following along with my woodchuck/groundhog problem, there is one less zinnia today.  

One of the zinnia I planted is gone, the other is a bit trampled.

Yesterday I spread crushed red pepper around them and in some other areas of the garden.  It is quite possible that what I used wasn't spicy enough or the critters just don't care.  It is also possible that they are suffering somewhere now because of it.  A third possibility is that the rain has diluted any ill effect that the crushed pepper may have had.  If the weather cooperates on Sunday, I will try to get some more protection for the things I still want to plant in the ground.  Happy things for today are:

  • Waking up super early and being productive!  I cleaned a bunch of the kitchen and did laundry.
  • Earlier in the week I transplanted the pumpkin into pots from the little seed starter it was in.  Today two of them have flowers!
Two pumpkin blossoms.

  • Friday is Minecraft night!

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.
    --I am hoping to finish this book by the end of the month.  It takes a long while reading small parts every day.

Thanks for the check in!  Stay safe.

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