Monday, July 12, 2021


 Since getting this job of picking things up and putting them down in a warehouse, eating well has become a challenge.  I just crave salt and carbs.  My healthy breakfast included a good cereal choice with blueberries.  Lunch was Taco Bell and Cinnabon though.  Taco Bell was okay.  Cinnabon was delicious!  I love cinnamon.  Other happy things for today:

  • Keziah dropped me off at the mall so I could walk while she did some other errands.  I thought it was going to rain all day which made the mall a good choice.  It rained off and on and the mall meant Cinnabon.
  • It was nice spending one on one time with Keziah.  We also got to briefly see her sister-in-law, who works at the mall.
  • I took time this morning to make choices for retirement and arranged for some of my pay to go into a 401K.  I was procrastinating, but now it is done.  Yay!
The milkweed is entering the next stage
 as the flowers will become seeds.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.
    Learning about making cheese.  

Thanks for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.

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