Saturday, February 27, 2021

Too Much Glass

There was a fair amount of organization that happened today in my room.  Someday, maybe I will live like a normal person, whatever that is.  Until then, I will do what I can to get closer.  Most of the happy things for today revolve around productivity:

  • Bel installed the shelf for me and I promptly filled it up.  I tried to wipe down most of the things as I placed them on the shelf.  Only one got broken during this process.  I'll probably try to fix it.

  • I moved around enough things in my room that I have floor space again!  Not just the walking area that was there.  I could probably put my yoga mat down and do some stretching.
  • I've been participating with some online friends and friends of friends doing some exercises.  This month we've been doing squats.  Next month there are other exercises, one of them is the burpee.  I don't like the burpee.  That is just background though.  Because of this group I am considering some shenanigans that I hope will be fun.  Creative ideas.  I hope to share more about it another day.  
  • It is very makeshift, but I changed my room up a bit and my computer can be a standing computer now.  So far I like it.  Since it is a little bit put together with things I already had, it also wobbles a little.  I'm hoping it will be harder for me to fall asleep at the keyboard now.  😊

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

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