Tuesday, February 2, 2021


 After writing last night, instead of going to bed, I listened to my book until about three in the morning.  It is now close to midnight and I am just starting to write.  This will be short because I am tired.  My day was busy, I had to go to the bank again and so was out and about.  I ended up at a park near the bank and took a one mile walk around the pond there.  Other happy things include:

  • There were people on the pond ice skating.  I've been hoping to find a place to skate near home, this place will do.  I need to research it a little, but it was obviously shoveled or plowed and kept up by the city.  
  • It is snowing and pretty.  Tomorrow, when I am shoveling, it may not seem as nice.  
  • We resumed our Dungeons and Dragons game tonight.  It had fallen out of the routine around the holidays.  I forgot so many things about how to play, most came back quickly though.
  • I made corn chowder for dinner tonight.  It came out well.  
  • In the cellar garden, I decided to put some of the plants up higher and closer to the light.  I prepped some seed starters and plan to put seeds in them tomorrow.  It seems the thing to do on Imbolc.  
The swampy side of the pond.

There is thin or no ice on the swampy side,
 so the ducks have a place to swim.

The stream is still flowing.

Bringing the plants closer to the light will
hopefully help them be warm enough.

Currently listening to:  The Great Alone, by Kristin Hannah.
        (I've only cried a little so far...)

Stay safe.

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