Thursday, February 25, 2021

Fresh Air

 There were surprisingly few animal footprints when I walked out back today.  There were a few deer tracks and something small like a mouse.  I could hear chickadees in the trees and saw a few morning doves.  The new tracks today were that of a snowmobile and the footprints of the rider.  My guess is that something happened with their machine, they walked home and then got another person to help them out.  Since I haven't been out there in over a week, I can only guess that this happened yesterday or the day before by the way the snow on their trails were a little melted, but not really covered.  

The walk was difficult, but very rejuvenating.  The temperatures soared into the 40's today so my winter jacket was perhaps too much as I moved slowly along on snowshoes.  I think I am getting better at using the snowshoes.  At least I didn't fall this time.  The fresh air and bird song was what I needed to get out of yesterday's miserable headspace.  I also took the time to notice the very beginnings of buds on some trees.  Signs of spring help warm my heart.

Deer prints.

Itty bitty leaf bud.

The Witch Tree still stands.

Other happy things today:

  • My aunt got in touch with Keziah about borrowing some knitting needles.  Next thing I knew we were driving to meet her and then go on to her grandson's house that they are building.  He planned for a house for just him, and then he fell in love.  Thankfully there is room for two in the 30' X 30' house on a hill he is building.  

View from what will be the kitchen window.


  • My cousin came by too.  Her dog, Daisy, is always looking for attention.  Daisy got so many cuddles and scritches as she went between Bel and I and anyone else in the room.

Isn't she adorable?

  • While the sun was shining, the front room heated way up.  Winston loves it out there.
Winston, watching the wildlife out the front room window.

February 25th is Commedia dell'Arte Day.  There will be a Zoom performance from i Sebastiani: The Greatest Commedia dell'Arte Troupe in the Entire World, at 7 PM at this link.

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Stay safe.


  1. Ooh, Thornton Burgess! I can remember reading and re-reading his books many times as a child. I still have a few old copies kicking around on my bookshelves today.

  2. Yay the witching tree still stands!

    Love Winston in the window!, and the buds!


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...