Tuesday, February 2, 2021


 There is a song I know, Lies by Stan Rogers, which has a line in it about pouring Carnation into a cup of coffee.  I don't drink coffee but can see the logic behind this.  Carnation is shelf stable milk and sugar-somethings many people put in their coffee.  I suggested this to Zed and he tried this and now there is a partial can of condensed milk in the fridge.  Today we ended up with a two liter bottle of rootbeer with the pizzas for dinner, I added some of the condensed milk.  It was a rootbeer float without having any ice cream.  Other things on my happy list for today:

  • Some shoveling happened today, then Zed got in touch with our friend with a plow.  I didn't measure the snow, but I think it was at least six inches.  It was great to see a friend today, even if only for a few minutes.  
  • I planted some of the geranium seeds I collected last year.  I am skeptical that they will grow-not only because this is the first time I've tried this.  I'm concerned that the cellar area is too cold.  There might be a plant heating pad in my future.
  • I remembered to pay my mortgage!  Sometimes this is easy to forget, I think because I don't live there.
This was shoveled when Bel and Folke went to bed last night.
The picture was taken about an hour later, maybe.

I forgot to take nice pictures of the snow... 

Nanni sleeping in the box she claimed.

The geraniums are planted in the covered container.

Currently listening to:  The Great Alone, by Kristin Hannah.

Stay safe.

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