Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Gideon's Birthday!

 Happy Birthday to Gideon.  Today he turned nine years old.  It is his last year of single digit ages.  Today he got to play some computer game with Bel for a good part of the day.  There was also an online game that was organized with some family and Gideon's friends.  

I believe the cake was to look like a cloud.

All lit up.

Making a wish.


Other happy things for today:

  • Cake-I guess that kind of goes with a birthday.
  • I went snowshoeing on the property today.  There were deer tracks as well as what I think are squirrel and mouse tracks.  
  • There was a pileated woodpecker banging on a tree.
  • I'm fairly sure the other birds I saw were mourning doves.  There were a bunch that I startled on my walk.
  • Clean warm sheets from the dryer.

Pileated woodpecker.
The pictures I took never captured the red crown.

Currently listening to:  The Great Alone, by Kristin Hannah.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.
        (I put this down after the part about planting seeds indoors.)

Stay safe.

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