Friday, February 19, 2021

Happy Friday!

 Tomorrow, I hope to sleep in.  As of Wednesday my alarm went off at six and I was out of bed by six-thirty in the morning.  It has only been three days, but I also haven't gotten to sleep before midnight in over a week.  Zed and I have been getting up early to support each other as we try to downsize.  This allows him to find something to get rid of before going to work.  Today he slept in a little, I didn't.  I did empty a medium sized cardboard box.  Some things from the box went into another container, but it is sorted and there will be more craft supplies to put into that container eventually.  Not including what got disposed of, I have five more things for the donate box.  

I also found a box of 3D puzzles that I gave to Gideon.  I did all the puzzles before I gave him them so I am sure I can help him if he needs it.

Other happy things for today:
  • I took a nap.
  • There were these cute itty bitty hinges that I found with my mom's things.  I don't know why she had them, and I don't know why I want them.  For some reason I feel like there was a project that could use them, but I don't remember what.

  • It snowed.  Bel and I combined forces and shoveled as well as used the snow thrower.  So far, shoveling is faster and using the snow thrower is way better for my back.  We will be calling a plow if the snow gets too high.  

Stay safe.

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