Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Ash Wednesday

 Day one of the downsizing initiative went well.  We woke up early and started early.  Zed got his bag full of papers ready (bills and such) before having to go to work.  I went through one box and had a paper bag full of papers to burn.  When I went to put what was left away I decided to go through three other boxes that had paper stuff as well.  I now have two empty containers and one full of filing things.  I found places to put some things and there was about a half box that still had other things in it once I removed the paper from the top-that is for another day.  I came out of the gate running and possibly did too much.  The last thing I want to do with this endeavor is to burn myself out.  Other things that I am happy about today:

  • Keziah and I delivered pancakes to a friend.  A very short visit was had, masked and distanced.  
  • We also took the time to drop off the things we had already set aside to donate.  
  • Back home, Keziah and Bel built a fire outside.  Probably because of the snow, it took a while to get going.  The papers have been burned.  It is quite possible that some are just scorched at the bottom of the fire pit in mud, but they are out of the house.  Yay!

It has been a few days since I have walked back on the property.
It is still there!

Sunset over the fire.

Stay safe.

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