Thursday, February 4, 2021


 This morning I woke up in a funk.  It took most of the morning (and part of the afternoon) for me to get out of my own way to dress for the day.  There is hardly ever any one reason why someone who struggles with depression, even 'mild' depression, hits a low point.  There are certain things I know that I should do that generally help me to not hit a low and I haven't been doing many of them.  In that light, I should have been expecting this.  However, this Blog is about happy things.  My day has ended on a happy note and here are some things that helped:

  • It took a lot of self talk to not cancel on a Zoom meet with a friend from work (well, former work) this afternoon.  I did it anyway and was honest about being in a funk.  We had good conversation and that helped.  We laughed and had some stories to share.  She will be doing a challenge for Lent with some other friends and asked me to join in.  Forty days (actually, forty-six) of finding something to get rid of every day.  
  • After that TF and I had our accountability midweek check-in.  I'm way behind on my goal list for this week.  My dear friend helped me see the things I have done (she is the optimist) and we made a plan for me to focus on the things that are of higher priority.  She is rocking her list!
  • Then Zed was finished with work and we went for a walk.  It was dark and we had a hard time finding a flashlight.  The lights are no longer working on my vest.  We had great conversation and exercise, walking about three miles!
  • After talking with Zed about getting rid of things over Lent, he thought he'd like to get involved too.  He and I might do a little video about it.  My hope is to try and go through a box a day, even if it is just to find one thing to get rid of.  
  • After dinner I got ready for tonight's SCA court recording.  I don't tend to go to these as often as I probably should.  There were two people that I knew of getting awards that I wanted to be there for.  I actually put on garb and my coronet (my neck muscles are out of shape!).  It was like a transformation.  Apparently I needed to be a Viking or a Baroness to make my day have a real upswing.  Good people were elevated for service they have been doing to make our SCA work.  Perhaps this was a reminder of how many friends I have and just can't be with right now.  
  • Vaccinations are coming, some friends already have them.
  • Today's low was not the bottom.  Hopefully it was the current bottom though.
The sun had set when we set upon our walk.

It's me!!

Stay safe, be well, and thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Love the set sun pic, and you in your garb and coronet! Happy smile so good to see your smiling face!!


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...