Monday, February 8, 2021

Monday Dinner

 We ended the day playing Dungeons and Dragons.  We didn't spend too much time playing because it was already late by the time dinner was over.  In tonight's game we did some character development and background that is setting the stage for when we continue next week.  Other happy things from today:

  • Yesterday it snowed so today I shoveled.  We are supposed to get two more small storms this week.  We have a rather large driveway.  I had done what I considered enough for now when Keziah messaged me saying we were getting a snow blower today and I should come in.  We ended up buying the last of a particular type of snow thrower.  It might not be enough for a big storm, but we can still call our friend to come up and plow.  Keziah and Zed tried it out after dinner tonight.  We are ready for tomorrow's snow!
  • Tonight for dinner I made a vegetable lasagne and garlic bread balls.  It took longer than I expected and was so worth it!  When I make the garlic bread balls I usually use dried parsley, I had fresh this time.  It was delicious.
  • When I got to the back of the house and shoveled by the dryer vent, Nanni, the grey/brown tabby, came to the window to say hello.
Shoveling the walk way.

It is kind of hard to see... there is a reflection 
in the snow towards the middle.

The lower part of the driveway is done!


Nanni behind glass.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.
and I just started reading Quiet, by Susan Cain.

Stay safe.

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